Chapter 418


Forcibly calm, his fidgety hand was the only one that moved, fixing an already cleanly closed button while what he already suspected was confirmed straightforwardly by Zeleskiaz.

Clemente's soft brown hues wavered for a moment at the little precaution the crown prince had while staring so lovingly at the chosen, promised to the Empire. Feeling as uncomfortable as he did the moment a limit was placed on actions… ones he had deemed as natural for one he thought of as pleasant… Annoyed greatly by it, so that even his controlled expressions had trouble remaining unfazed.

'Capricious and judges what he wishes… What a disgrace to the throne.' — The young nobleman thought to himself as his gaze turned from the man and lady's figures. Turning also on his feet to suddenly meet the mother who had approached him without him noticing. — "!..… Dear Mother, I did not notice your presence. My apologies."