Chapter 435

"An unusual day it is today certainly... Your Majesty, perhaps it is with this refreshing mood that we should stop delaying this further. Do you agree?"

"Indeed." — Returning the delicate pat Ingrid gave to their joined hands, Francois agreed just as pleased. Looking ahead after smirking at the glimpse of his complicated heir to order Ervin Jensen, his direct and loyal noble servant, to invite the youth to debut before them. — "Ervin. Let us not take longer. Start the ceremony."

"Immediately Your Excellency."


Relief washed away any weariness in Zeleskiaz, for the sooner the ceremony began, the sooner her presence and entrancing essence could be joined.

Many entered briefly doing as properly instaurated in the Empire's tradition. The Emperor would welcome the nobles to become with fresh arrogance, giving some compliments as well as correcting some unmannered ones he found distasteful at his whims.