Chapter 458

Indifferent to the hatred her voice conveyed, Paul did not fail to tell some truths mixed with lies to the naive sibling. Making her aware of the situation and the consequences she would face if she did not cooperate with his schemes. — "Therefore, as I'll allow you to walk around freely,  you should help in what I want you to do. After things calm down and they stop searching for my Marianne, I will make up something so both of us can return as if innocent."


"Of course, if it's about Marianne, we will say she's dead. Although of course, she isn't. We would never let that happen, haha."

"This is nonsense… Why would you do this? Don't you know that Father is searching for her? No matter what you do, Father will never stop looking for Marianne-Ngh!"

"He will stop if we give him a body to believe she's dead." — Grabbing her face to stop her reaction, Paul said dominatingly. Letting her go as she moved away indignated yet learning some composure.