Chapter 465 — The One she once was.

It's a pain I was the only girl mom had… I grew up with a character to fight my brothers but not others. She always used to say-

"Elizabeth! What were you doing at school this late? Classes ended long ago, a miss shouldn't get home this late, how many times do I have to tell you? I hope that at the very least you show good manners to your classmates, huh."

… that. That's exactly what she used to say… heh. She never changed, huh? It was never a "Hello! How was school?" or "Good morning~ are you ready for school? Did you have breakfast?"… but instead it was this kind of talk I received on a daily basis.

"Your brother needs this to be washed, help me in the house now that you deigned to arrive."

"… Alright, mom. Let me leave my stuff in my room and I'll help."