The Gate

"Where is this pack?" Lisa was eager. It came suddenly, but since last night, her existence only started to make sense now. "Who's this Alpha?"

The mage laughed. "This wolf pack is in the city as we speak, young Bishop. Alpha Ramsay of Crescent Valley is many things. He is also the one you seek, the owner of the claw."

He began chanting a spell. His voice grew louder with each second. The light descending from his palm turned electric. Rule's body shook, like someone convulsing. Yet the man wouldn't stop his chants.

After a minute elapsed, the light sparked, erupting into a million bright flashes. The only lightbulb in the room died out from the wizard's spell. Smoke followed, spreading like burning incense from Rule's chest. He was healing him.

When he stood, he faced Marcus. "Find the young warlock and do exactly as the queen says."

She knew her questions were becoming unbearable, but she needed clarity. "Will my sister die?"