My Demon, My Wolf

Nolan jerked awake. He remembered the last hour in a flash. The flames taking large bites out of the restaurant's building. Piles of heated and a few heavy debris pelting on the rutted ground. He recalled the flames eating away at Tavares' body and how he had saved the man by a thread. Nolan felt the heat as if hell had let loose again.

He removed the oxygen mask from his face and disconnected the IV tube for a finish. There were thick bandages all over him and a Johnny gown covered his body. He hated seeing them for no reason. He thought whoever had designed the cloth was a lunatic. But it made sense for a hospital's use, he reasoned.

Nolan stretched his back and jumped down from the wide bed. His feet felt strong beneath him. The cold from the tile white floors seeped into his body through the bare skin of his feet. He could also feel his body healing. His broken and parched skin formed together again. In the ER, there were two other patients with him.