
Nolan helped his sister onto the bed. He placed a hand on her belly and the baby calmed its struggle. It quieted down. When he let her go, Isla screamed in rage. He allowed it. He let her have her moment.

Nolan had saved them from the hunters, but he knew they'd be back to torment them again. He wondered why they were so desperate to find the witch. Someone must have given them a lead, but it was strange that the only thing they wanted to know about was this witch who broke the veil. They had abandoned their pledge to paranormal investigations and didn't kill Isla just because of it.

"Do we even have a plan yet?" Isla asked.

"Easy there," he said. "Ramsay connived with a witch to break the veil on Marcel's orders."


"Yes, Isla. The Ramsay Knight. The Alpha's here to stay for good." Nolan scowled on impulse. "They want Boston for themselves. They want control."