Waiting on Love

Naomi idled away in the quiet cell. It had been a while since she arrived at the precinct and got locked up in here. The patient nightwear the hospital had given her was what clad her body now. Her hair felt sticky with sweat. She had not showered since that first night in Boston, and she didn't want to sleep just yet. Naomi was afraid she would get used to the handsome demon in her dreams and the life over there that seemed so different from her present.

She looked around the dimly lit cell. She couldn't tell the time, but she suspected it was past eleven-thirty pm. Naomi couldn't get her heart to calm down. She thought about what the kind deputy Foster had said. He claimed some unknown people would come for her in this cell. Naomi did as he had instructed. She disallowed visitors and only put Declan on the list.