The Rogue Alpha

Nolan strolled with Skar at his side. He had gotten what he wanted, had made sure of it. The news of Ethan's corpse being found in these same woods they walked didn't settle with him. A monster that ate up corpses. He was still at a loss for words hours after learning it.

Skar had geared up for the night in leather clothes. She looked pretty daring, but Nolan had an agenda he had to fulfill tonight, and not even her sharp mouth could stop him. He thought about making small talk first, letting them ease into the comfort of each other's company with no one in the pack around.

"How long have you known my cousin?" He asked as they climbed a ledge inside the pine woods.

They stalked the darkness together, moving stealthily so as not to run into cops, who they suspected would be near because of Ethan Walsh.

They were headed for a building in downtown Boston, and they had decided sneaking up on it from behind was their best shot.