
Nolan followed Thayer to the cells where she'd be held up until heaven knows when. He just wanted to get her talking or as he had always done spite her as she always tried to do with him. 

He had teleported into the cell and found Thayer beating the life out of Lisa. She clung unto the chain on the lower wall that held her right hand captive. Her face was bloody and bruised. She struggled with the chain to pull it off so she could defend herself. Thayer's boots came down on every part of her body. 

Nolan started. "Thayer, stop—"

He swiped his boot across her face and this time, delt the final blow. Her face flung to the right and she had bashed her head against the wall. It landed with a crack on the pebbled ground. She was unconscious, but he could still hear her faint heartbeat. 

"You're quite the rogue, Thayer." Nolan spat on a quest to spite the beta of the Crescent Valley pack.