The Chamber

The Michelin starred restaurant on Broadway was a majestic building, inside and out. Low-lighting and peaceful classical music stressed its soothing ambience. Guests had arrived to celebrate Matthew and Sarah's engagement. They occupied all the tables and seats, leaving the hosts with a full house. Jessica had never seen this much of customers in an entire week.

She could hardly make out anything anyone was saying as she made her way through the groups of cheerful smiles and laughter in the restaurant. She waved at Tommy, Mary and Roderick, who sat on one table. They waved back, calling her over for a minute. She didn't intend to wait long at their table; she had a lot of unfinished servings.

"Mary, you look stunning." Jessica gushed and after Mary's cute curtesy at the compliment, they shared a side-hug.

Tommy said, "How are you, dear?"

"On the way to terrible, but anything for Sarah." She heard her name after that and hurried along.