Chapter 71

Help me! Help!! Help me!!!

 Bethany yelled as she ran and gasped for air in Bostons forest, being chased by the Crescent Valley pack and their Alpha Ramsay.

It was past midnight. 

The more she shouted, the closer they were gaining on her.

The ground was covered with dead leaves, and sticks that broke beneath her feet as she ran. During the day, this forest was alive, but it changed into something else at night. Something horrible. A place of dread and death.

''Get her,'' Ramsay commanded the other members of the park.

"You have nowhere to hide; no one will save you tonight.''

But Bethany didn't allow that to deter her; she kept shouting Help me! Running as fast as she could!

Her screams, however, were unheard. 

"Just know that you are mine; you were destined to be my luna, and tonight will seal that fate," he continued, wanting her to get distracted and stop.

 But the more he spoke, the faster Bethany was running.