Murder by hand

Chapter 1 - Killing

The cold wind raged in the plank houses that were all over the place.

Zhuo Qingyan opened her eyes in a daze as a large amount of snow poured in.

"Ugh …"

Zhuo Qingyan moved her body, only to discover that she was bound, and her entire body was about to freeze. She didn't feel anything.

"What's going on?" Shocked, she lowered her head with difficulty only to see herself tied to a wooden pillar. Her clothes were thin and tattered, and she didn't even wear a pair of shoes on her stained feet.

What was going on? Wasn't it just a rescue operation? She remembered that after their team had been successfully rescued, they had been unlucky enough to be discovered while they were preparing to leave. As they fought, they had to retreat back to the cliff where they came from.

As a cover team, she was the last to retreat. However, just as she hung up her waist buckle, a rocket launcher suddenly flew over and exploded right in front of her.

At the same time, like a broken kite with its string cut, she was sent flying. Accompanied by a tearing pain, she then … is Black... Endless darkness …

But, where was this place? Was she captured?

As he was pondering, rustling sounds came from the pile of grass. Following which, a frail and frail figure came out from the grass. It was actually a teenage girl.

Zhuo Qingyan was stunned as she sized up the man in front of her who was dressed in an old-fashioned suit. His face was smeared with dirt, and his eyes were filled with fear as he looked around.

When she saw Zhuo Qingyan who was tied to a pillar, she frantically took out a dagger from her waist, cut the rope on Zhuo Qingyan's body, and anxiously said: "Miss, Mo Yu saved you … "I'll get you out of here …"

Zhuo Qingyan could not help but close her eyes.

One shouldn't blame the society for having a little background. He often heard his comrades talk about how they read teleportation novels. It couldn't really have happened to him now, could it? Can't we just rely on a little bit of score? This joke was a bit too big.

At this moment, the bindings on her hands were severed. Her body swayed and fell onto the ground. The little girl immediately came over to hug her and cried softly, "Miss …" Mo Yu came... "Young miss is not afraid …"

"You … "Who is it?" Zhuo Qingyan struggled to say these three words, and her throat was being pulled up by the burning flames. At the same time, her head began to hurt, and some unknown scenes rushed into her mind, causing her to be at a loss of what to do.

Seeing her in such pain, the little girl was worried. Her tears continued to flow and her hands were not idle either. They kept rubbing her hands and feet in an attempt to help her relieve the cold.

Just as Zhuo Qingyan let out a long breath, Mo Yu finally said with a trembling voice, "Miss … "We need to hurry up and leave this place. Someone will come to kill you soon …"

"Kill me?" As Zhuo Qingyan spoke, her voice was so hoarse that it made one's scalp go numb, and their throats once again felt a scorching pain as if they were being torn apart.

"Yeah …" Miss … Is Third Miss... Hurry up... Can move... Go... "Let's go …" Mo Yu wanted to pull her up, but she tried twice but to no avail. He was so anxious that she was about to cry.

"It's too late …" Zhuo Qingyan pushed her and exhaled.

At the same time, she stretched her limbs, and luckily, with the help of this girl, her limbs had already become conscious. Seeing Mo Yu who was still in a daze, she stood up and pulled her over, and the two of them stood by the wooden door, tightly holding onto the dagger they had used to cut the rope.

Hearing the sound of footsteps on the snow outside the door, she closed her eyes. It was three people, one of them a fatty, because the sound of stepping on the snow was even louder.

The three of them stood at the entrance of the firewood house, and a loud voice called out: "Go in and deal with him. When it's over, this brother will treat you guys to wine!"

"Alright, please enjoy, Master Tong." Another voice replied in a flattering manner.

There was also a giggling "Heh heh" accompanying him.

The sound of someone stepping on the snow could be heard again. With a "bang", the door was kicked open.

At the same time, two grey shadows rushed in with knives in their hands.

However, the moment he entered, the light from the night sky shone through the broken board and he discovered that the person who was originally tied to the pillar had disappeared. There was only the severed rope on the ground.

The two immediately looked around and found that there were two black shadows at the entrance. When they raised their sabers to slash at them, the black shadow moved, and the two of them only felt a blur before they could even see the person clearly, a "ka ka" sound came from their wrists, a heart-wrenching pain, causing them to want to scream out loud, only to discover that their jaws had been dislocated, making no sound at all.

The sabre in their hands fell to the grass. Just as the two of them were about to run out of the woodshed, the pain from their shattered knees caused them to kneel on the ground.

At the same time, the back of his neck was hit by the gravitational force. His vision turned black and he fell to the ground without moving.

Zhuo Qingyan was slightly out of breath. She turned around and went behind the door to stand on the wooden board again, staring at the fatty who was still eating melon seeds.

However, Mo Yu was so frightened that she had already tightly covered her mouth with both hands.

Is this still her young lady? How could he be so powerful? Especially her current gaze, which was too fierce, like a cheetah in the dark night, cold, vicious!

The fat guy outside waited for a while, but there was no sound from inside. He impatiently spat out the melon seeds, and asked with his gong: "What's going on? "Where is he?"

However, the man didn't get a response even after he shouted out twice. He cursed a few times outside the door and walked over forcefully while stepping on the snow.

The wooden door was kicked open again and the fat man staggered in, but when he saw the two on the ground, he felt something was wrong. He turned his head to look at the wooden pillar, but when he realized that there was no one there, he immediately turned around and charged out.

He fell to his knees in panic, and when he looked up, the dagger had already wrapped around his neck.

The man looked valiant, but he was as timid as a mouse. His small eyes were as wide as copper bells. His face was as white as paper and cold sweat flowed down his cheeks. His entire body was trembling like a sieve.

It was a desolate winter night, and a dilapidated wooden house was lying in wait. A black shadow was completely hidden in the shadows, and one could vaguely see the bared fangs and brandishing claws of his hair flying about like steel needles. The cold, bone-piercing blade was pressing against his life vein.

"Speak, who told you to come?"

Zhuo Qingyan's voice was hoarse and laced with hatred, and it made one's scalp tingle.

"Three, three, Third Miss …" Fatty was so scared that he could no longer control himself. How could he dare to lie and argue?

"Who else is outside?" Zhuo Qingyan asked again.

"No, no, just us, three, three." There was a hint of tears in the fat man's voice, and he was terrified.

"To kill someone, one must try their luck. Who did this?"

Zhuo Qingyan pushed the dagger forward again, causing Fatty to panic, afraid that the knife would bite him. He closed his eyes and stuttered: "I-I-I-we will only listen to my orders …" Destiny, three, three, Third Miss … "Spare me …"

"That's right." Zhuo Qingyan's voice was as cold and cold as the cold wind.