Can you run away

Chapter 6 - Can You Run

There was a chain that looked similar to the one she was wearing, but it was heavier. It was made of pure gold, and the pendant was not a flower, but an animal's head.

He was like a lion and a tiger, and he even seemed like a dragon. What was this? The David's Deer?

There were mountains, rivers, clouds, fog, and even rainbows. There was a bridge, there was a tree, a large cave, and a huge black door. Right in the middle of the door was a picture that was exactly the same as the pendant.

However, the mountains, rivers, clouds and mist in this fragment all felt very familiar.

After calming herself down, she couldn't help but have a good luck with the box. She once again muttered to herself, "What do you mean? What for? If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have found you. What kind of place was that? I'm new here, how can I find it? "This is too much of a scam …"

She originally wanted to look at the beast skin scroll again, but she was no longer in the mood to do so. Wasn't it as the saying went, the less knowledge, the safer it was!

Furthermore, she seemed to know something that she shouldn't have known. That was to say, she wasn't safe anymore. If these things really were treasure maps or something, then she could only spend her days being hunted down and killed.

However, just as she was about to put the chain back in place, she suddenly hesitated and looked at the pattern again. She couldn't help but pout once more, "It looks really ugly, if it was worn around the neck, it would look really weird. But if it's a bracelet, it's different. It looks quite grand …"

Zhuo Qingyan swore that was what she wanted to say, but the thing before her seemed to have understood everything. Under her gaze, it really did "transform"!

"Damn!" Transformers? Can you change the car line for me? " Zhuo Qingyan threw it onto the table, her eyes wide open.

But this time, the thing didn't change. It was still lying on the table in the shape of a bracelet. However, the eyes on the beast's head seemed to be staring at her.

"Don't look at me, it's useless even if you look. You're too ugly, I won't wear you …" Zhuo Qingyan swallowed her saliva.

Just like that, she stared at the bracelet for half the time it took to brew a cup of tea. In the end, she reluctantly pouted and put it on her wrist.

However, this item was originally quite big. When he put it on, it was still empty. However, after putting it on, he spun around once before shrinking it and attaching it to her wrist.

At the same time, a sharp pain came from her wrist. Zhuo Qingyan could see that this broken thing was sucking her blood, but at this moment, she couldn't move it.

Fortunately, it was only for a moment. After seeing the red ribbon walk around the bracelet, the pain disappeared, and the bracelet returned to its normal state. The pattern that she despised had also disappeared, and on the bracelet, besides a small protruding point, there was only a seemingly simple pattern.

"It's too magical? "Science fiction?" Zhuo Qingyan could not believe her eyes.

Although there were a thousand of them, they were unable to be taken down. Just as she jabbed her finger at the protruding dot, a large space suddenly appeared before her eyes. Furthermore, there were also some cubicles.

This made her swallow her saliva once again. "I'll go! "I'm rich …"

There were books, paintings, jade artifacts, porcelain, weapons, gold ingots, silver ingots, and jewelry. It was a treasure house.

"I don't want to do anything, I can already live for a few more lifetimes, what are you begging for!?" Can you run away? " Zhuo Qingyan's eyes immediately took on the shape of a heart as she grinned like a fool, saliva almost flowing out from her mouth.

Now that she was in a beautiful mood, she was no longer worried about being discovered. After covering the box with the bracelet, she put it away in the warehouse and turned around to look at the secret compartment.

When she found that there was something there, it looked like a painting scroll. She bit her lower lip, but still reached out and took it out.

It really was a painting. When she unfurled it, she couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Isn't this the mountain and river painting?"

This time, her voice was much louder and attracted the attention of Qiu mama and Mo Yu, who were busy tidying up the table. The two of them were startled when they saw the painting that was spread out on the table.

Mo Yu pointed to the painting: Wasn't it stolen by the old master? "Why …"

"That's right. At that time, this old servant saw with his own eyes that the old master took the painting off the wall …" Qiu mama was also stunned.

When the three of them looked again, Qiu mama shook his head. "No, miss, this isn't the one that was originally hung on the wall. This woman is holding a hairpin, so the one on the wall is actually a chrysanthemum flower!"

"That's right, that's right, Miss. Your servant remembers as well. In the painting that was originally hung, there were three hair ornaments on this woman's head. However, on this one, there was only one …" Mo Yu said.

"This is the real work …" Zhuo Qingyan seemed to understand a little now and immediately started to roll up the painting again. She nodded at the two women: "Go get some food, I'm a little hungry."

"Yes, Miss …" The two of them immediately turned around and left the studio.

Zhuo Qingyan walked up to the secret compartment and looked inside. She stretched out her hand to touch it, but found nothing. Then she squatted down and looked under the table.

As expected, she found a small square protruding out of the wall. She reached out her hand and pressed it. Then, she heard the sound of a mechanism turning on the bookshelf behind her.

She turned her head and saw that the secret compartment had shrunk back. The two rows of bookshelves had once again appeared, standing side by side with the original bookshelves, perfectly fitting themselves together.

At this moment, she couldn't help but admire the original owner's birth mother.

After looking around, she kept the picture in her bracelet warehouse. Then, she took the books on the desk and walked out of the studio.

Closing the door, he went around the screen and directly went upstairs. He placed the book on a small desk in front of his bed, and when he went downstairs again, Qiu mama had already made some simple porridge and small dishes. The three of them ate together.

After taking a few bites, she whispered, "I remember that ever since I was young, I've been taking medicine. Am I not in good health?"

The Qiu mama sighed, "It's not that Miss' health was not good, it was your mother who fed it to you. Miss's foolishness was deliberately caused by Third Aunt …"

Zhuo Qingyan was shocked, "What? "Why is that?"

"Because it's safe!" Qiu mama earnestly nodded at her.

Zhuo Qingyan understood immediately. So this was also one of her methods of protecting her daughter, but it was a little too tragic.