
Chapter 12 - Individuals

After changing her clothes and blowing on the lamp, just as she laid down, she heard a sound from above. She immediately jumped and her figure flashed to the door. Just as she was about to open the door, she was grabbed by a large hand.

With a glance, she saw Chu Yi Chen, who was wearing only a black brocade robe, with her hair draped over her back like ink, and a colorful mask on her face.

Damn, when did this old brat come out? Why didn't she feel it at all? He really was an expert.

Only after silently cursing did she feel dejected, only then did she realize that his big hand that was covering her mouth was too big, it even covered her nose. Was he really not letting her make a sound, or was he trying to directly suffocate her to death!

She reached out her hand and pulled his hand down, exposing his nostrils. She then patted the back of his hand.

This meant that the position of the hand covering the mouth was the correct one.

Only now did she realize that the back of this old boy's hand was still soft and smooth. It seemed that he had taken good care of himself normally. However, the hand that covered her mouth was a bit rough and felt somewhat callused.

Just from her small movements alone, Chu Yi Chen already wanted to laugh. How could this girl be so fun? At the same time, she felt admiration and shock at her calmness and calmness.

What kind of mental quality was this? How did she train this? However, she could imagine just how terrifying and breathtaking her life had been in the Zhuo Mansion these past few days.

The sound outside was not very loud, as if someone was approaching. Was he here to listen to the sounds in the corner, or was he here for a night assault?

Just as he heard someone approach the door, Chu Yi Chen pointed at the door. With a "pu" sound, a muffled groan came from outside.

Following which, he heard a few more sounds. The courtyard was in chaos for a while before quieting down.

"Your Royal Highness, we've caught him." A soft voice came from outside the door.

Chu Yi Chen released her, opened the door, and walked out.

Zhuo Qingyan followed beside him and looked around.

There were no less than twenty black figures standing in the courtyard. Under the illumination of the moonlight, they were extremely frightening. At the same time, there were three people either lying down or kneeling in the courtyard.

She looked away, frowning. When she looked down at the drops of blood on the ground, her eyes shone brightly.

"Take him to the dungeon." Chu Yi Chen said.

"Yes sir!" "Yes!" Those people responded and prepared to escort him away.

Then she reached out and tugged Chu Yi Chen's sleeve, and when he looked down at her, he saw that she was pointing at the ground, and then up at him, making a "4" sign, and then to the left, to the wooden porch.

Chu Yi Chen immediately frowned, and also made a "4" gesture, nodding to her.

The two of them followed the trail of blood to the left side of the wooden corridor.

Since they had taken off their shoes and were only wearing socks, there was no sound as they walked. Plus, there were still people walking around in the yard, so when the two of them arrived at a dark corner in the corridor, no one noticed them.

When Zhuo Qingyan approached, she had already grasped a hairpin in her hand as she scanned the area with intelligent eyes.

At the spot where the blood had disappeared, she suddenly raised the hairpin and thrust it upwards.

Suddenly, a black shadow sprang out from that place. It first reached out its hand to brush away the hairpin that was piercing towards her. Then, while it was jumping down, it kicked her on her back.

He kicked her until she staggered, but that person underestimated her. That was because behind Zhuo Qingyan was a black clothed Chu Yi Chen.

Before his foot could hit the ground, a palm hit him in the chest. When he flew back, the kicked Zhuo Qingyan had already twisted her body back from the staggering movements and tossed the hairpin in her hand back.

The man felt a sharp pain in his back and his body slammed heavily into the ground.

When he tried to get up again, five knives were pressed against his neck.

Zhuo Qingyan, who was behind these huge men in black, stretched out her neck to take a look, but she could not see anything clearly.

When the man was picked up and ready to be dragged away, she whispered, "That … Can you give me back that hairpin …"

One of the men in black was stunned. Without hesitation, he pulled it out and handed it to her.

Seeing that it was covered in blood, Zhuo Qingyan immediately curled her lips in disgust and stretched out two fingers to hold it, her face scrunched up.

Chu Yi Chen pursed his lips. This girl was too … Fun!

"Esteemed wangfei, leave this to me. When I've dealt with it properly, I'll return it to her." At this time, a delicate and pretty servant girl stood beside her and respectfully smiled as she spoke.

"Oh …" That... "Sorry for the trouble, thank you …" Zhuo Qingyan also gave her a friendly nod.

Seeing that she was about to grab it, she immediately lifted it up and said, "It's all blood. It's so dirty. What rag are you wearing? Cushion it a bit, don't let it get sick again …"

"Yes sir!" Hearing that, Ruo Xue laughed, and immediately took out a handkerchief, placed it in her hands, and took it.

"Alright, let's go in. It's cold!" Chu Yi Chen took a step forward, took her hand, and walked into the house.

When the door to the room was closed again, Ruo Xue could not help but laugh. She shook her head, turned around and left.

After the two of them returned to the room, Zhuo Qingyan sat on the bed and wrapped herself in the blanket. It was really cold to lie down like that just now.

As for Chu Yi Chen, she was sitting in a chair in front of the table, tapping her fingers on the table, thinking of something.

When Zhuo Qingyan moved her lower body, she felt a sharp pain from her back, causing her to let out a soft groan.

"What is it? Injured? " Chu Yi Chen turned his head and looked over.

Zhuo Qingyan moved again and shook her head: "It's not a big problem. It's just that I was kicked, and wasn't hurt …"

Seeing her in such a state, Chu Yi Chen's body suddenly moved, and she arrived in front of the bed.

Suddenly, her vision went dark, causing her to jump in fright. Instinctively, she leaned backwards.

However, Chu Yi Chen had already leaned forward. The distance between the two of them was quickly shortened, and they could feel each other's breath.

"Who the hell are you?" Chu Yi Chen coldly asked.

Although Zhuo Qingyan was nervous, she said indifferently: "Zhuo Qingyan!"

"But from what This King knows, you have been a fool for sixteen years. How could you know these things?" Chu Yi Chen asked again.

Zhuo Qingyan's brain was working fast at this moment, and when she heard his question, she smiled. She moved her hands and feet away from him and said: "My lord, I am a fool, but I am only mentally incomplete and am not trash."

"That's not right!" Chu Yi Chen also straightened up, his hands behind his back, still staring at her.

Zhuo Qingyan immediately felt the pressure lessen and secretly let out a breath of relief. She then sat down cross-legged again and looked at him: "If I were to tell you that I don't know how I did it, would Your Highness believe me?"

It wasn't that Chu Yi Chen hadn't thought of this before, but he truly believed that there wasn't anything wrong. The girl in front of him was just like her mother, a mystery.

Seeing that he did not say anything, Zhuo Qingyan could only sigh. She lowered her head and extended her index finger, pressing it against each other: "From the moment I woke up until now, it has only been half a month. It would be too difficult for me to understand everything, there are too many things I don't understand …"

Seeing her like this, like an aggrieved child, Chu Yi Chen's heart softened, feeling that she might be a bit cruel.