
Chapter 16 - Poison

Zhuo Qingyan stretched out her hand to scratch her neck again: "There are candied fruits outside the door, just leave me one, take it and eat it. The rest will be distributed to the guards in the yard. Everyone worked hard last night."

"Huh?" When Ruo Xue and the others heard this, their hands were stunned.

"We'll do as wangfei says." Chu Yi Chen gave them a peace of mind.

"Your servant obeys!" "Yes," they said at once.

Zhuo Qingyan extended her hand to scratch her neck before she turned around and walked into the room. She wanted to change out of the clothes that made her feel uncomfortable.

"Have the people from Exquisite Workshop and Treasure Workshop come yet?" Chu Yi Chen asked.

"He's here. He's waiting outside." Ruo Yan said.

"Please come in. Please measure the size of the princess and burn all the new clothes she brought from the Zhuo Mansion." After saying that, Chu Yi Chen turned around and walked into the inner room.

When he came out, he had already changed into casual clothes. When he saw that he had also changed out of his casual clothes and was only wearing a thin, green and white jacket, he frowned again.

At this moment, besides the two purple strawberries on her neck, there was a large red claw mark on the back of her neck.

At this time, Ruo Xue and Ruo Yan had already brought the two shop managers in. When they saw him, they both saluted.

"Let the wangfei choose one for herself, but at least ten sets of clothes and at least five sets of jewelry." After saying that, Chu Yi Chen left in large strides.

Hearing this, Zhuo Qingyan turned her head and blinked, declining to comment. She did not have any concept of this at all.

As she measured and listened to Ruo Xue and the others' introductions, Zhuo Qingyan finally knew.

Not to mention the exquisite hand, every piece of clothing that was made was unique. Moreover, not everyone in the exquisite hand could make clothes, so not only would they not care about money or status, they would also not care about people with status or money.

After measuring up, the two embroidery ladies took out a large booklet and opened it. Inside the booklet, there were many samples of cloth that were used for choosing.

Just after Zhuo Qingyan had picked one, Ruo Xue softly continued, "The Duke has said that he will let her choose at least ten sets!"

She was speechless. In her previous life, she wore the most clothes aside from school uniforms and military uniforms. She didn't know anything about clothing styles, colors, fabrics, etc.

However, she knew how tyrannical that man was. Furthermore, he did it out of good intentions. Perhaps it was because of the promise to take care of the daughter of an old friend.

After getting Ruo Xue to call the Qiu mama and Mo Yu over, the few of them started to help her choose one at once, because they knew she had never liked colors that were too gorgeous.

Just as she finished choosing her clothes, the man who had been standing there walked over and bowed to her again. "I'm the shopkeeper of the Treasure Shop. I've specially brought over ten sets of jewelry designed by my shop for Princess Hua-Yang to see. Those who like them will stay behind."

Mo Yu and Qiu mama who had just regained their senses were stunned once again. This Treasure Shop was also a high class place, and the jewelry they made was peerless in the world.

At this time, Zhuo Qingyan already had a headache. She knew nothing about these matters. How was she supposed to choose? It's a joke if you choose the wrong one.

Thus, he had Ruo Xue, Qiu mama and the others come over as proof that he did not understand and asked them to help.

After tossing and turning for nearly half a day, she had finally chosen five sets of noodles. The ones she chose were simple and elegant, but they were relatively simple styles.

After sending these people off, she pulled Qiu mama and asked in a low voice, "Is there anywhere that allows me to take a hot bath? My body is a little itchy …"

Hearing that, Qiu mama immediately stretched out his hand to look at the back of her neck, and couldn't help but frown: "Young miss, on your body, did you get a rash?"

Zhuo Qingyan shook her head: "I don't know, it was like this yesterday."

Hearing that, Qiu mama immediately went to grab the clothes on the clothes rack. He looked and smelled it, then finally threw it on the ground and fiercely stomped on it.

This scene was also seen by Ruo Xue and the rest who were in the room again. The few of them looked at each other, not understanding what was happening as they looked at her.

"What's wrong?" At this moment, Zhuo Qingyan had guessed more than half of it.

"There's something on her clothes that's acting like this on young lady's body. How uncomfortable is that you can endure it …" Qiu mama's voice was choked with sobs.

Zhuo Qingyan understood and smiled bitterly: "Do you remember? "At that time, they had already said that as long as they can safely marry into the estate, it would be fine. They no longer need to care about the matters that happen in the future …"

"Miss …" Qiu mama wiped his face.

"Anyway, it's not like we don't have any old clothes on. Just take these out and burn them, don't spread them to others. When that time comes, everyone will suffer and prepare some hot water. I'll take a bath, maybe it'll be fine …" Zhuo Qingyan's voice was very light, and one could not see her sorrow and joy.

At this time, Ruo Xue and the others finally understood why the King would come to the Exquisite Workshop to make new clothes, and they looked at the quiet Little Princess with sympathy, just what kind of life she was leading in that Zhuo Residence.

While Zhuo Qingyan was soaking in the bath barrel, Chu Yi Chen was in the study room and also received the news.

"Let Doctor Ye have a look." Chu Yi Chen said.

"When I came here, I met Doctor Ye. He has already gone to see me …" Ye Feng immediately replied.

"Hm!" "Got it. Go and guard it. If there's anything else, report it again." Chu Yi nodded.

"Yes sir!" Ye Feng carefully retreated.

Only when the door to the study closed again, did Chu Yi Chen slowly raise her head. With a sinister look in her eyes, she said, "Zhuo Baiyuan!"

Just as she walked out of the washroom, she was stopped by Ruo Xue. She then put a small embroidered jacket on her, "Royal Concubine, this is a new set of cotton clothes that was distributed today. I have not worn it, so please don't mind it.

"Thank you, so you gave it to me. What are you wearing?" Zhuo Qingyan's heart warmed.

"This servant is fine, there's still more!" Ruo Xue smiled at her.

Ruo Yan also came over, holding a dry towel and stroking her hair. "Princess, Doctor Ye is here, I want to show you the rash on your body."

"Dr. Ye? "Who is it?" Zhuo Qingyan was stunned.

"He is a good friend of the prince, and also a doctor of the prince's mansion. His medical skills are outstanding." Ruo Xue explained.

Zhuo Qingyan nodded her head in understanding and combed her hair. When she arrived at the front hall, she saw a white-clothed gongzi sitting with his back facing her.

His hair was tied high on his head with a ribbon, and his facial features were sharp and sharp.

Hearing the voice, he turned his head and looked over, causing her to be stunned. This man was really good-looking. It was as if he was a deity from a painting, giving off a feeling as if he had transcended the mortal world.

When Ye Jingxuan saw Zhuo Qingyan, he was also slightly stunned. She really did look like the young Zi Zhiqing, the senior sister that he admired.