A family member had arrived

Chapter 20 - A Family Member

Chu Yi Chen sighed, "Qin Huai Country is not a place. It is a mountain range and river located near Ba Shu Mountain and is also a famous mountain within Kang Yang County. This mountain is called Qin Ling, and it spans the entire Kang Yang County and Lin Zhao Country.

He patiently explained to her, "But this king has also heard, that the scenery there is not bad, but it is abnormally mysterious. The local people are strong and the forest is dense, forming their own faction, there are many branches of the Huai River, many winding paths, and also many dangerous islands, making it extremely difficult to enter. In addition, there are many array areas here, and there are no entrances or exits …"

"So that's the case. No wonder …" Zhuo Qingyan let out another long breath.

"What?" Chu Yi Chen asked.

Zhuo Qingyan licked her dry lips again: "On the table in my mother's art studio, I saw three books, one of which was a Geography essay. Before we got married, I saw it, although each chapter had an annotation and annotation, but the most annotations were in the section of Qin Huai, and judging from the fonts, it was written personally by her …"

Only now did Chu Yi Chen understand that she had been slowly searching for clues, little by little, and the memories in her mind were being dug out. He didn't know what kind of pain it was, but it would definitely hurt, but she was still able to endure it.

"The signature on mother's painting is called Qin Huai Xue, right?" Zhuo Qingyan asked him again.

"Yes!" Chu Yi nodded.

Zhuo Qingyan lifted the corner of her mouth again. "That's right …"

"What's right?" Chu Yi Chen asked her.

"Mother isn't an ordinary commoner. She has matters to hide from me, so if I were to look back at what she has done, it makes sense. It is all done on purpose …" "I'm guessing there's not just you and me here, there's also your martial uncle, two of your friends, and Zhuo Qingfan …" Zhuo Qingyan closed her eyes and a single tear fell from the corner of her eye.

Just as Chu Yi Chen was about to reach out to wipe her tears, Ye Jingxuan ran over to her bed and said, "Come, Little Four.

"Thank you for your hard work, Martial Uncle. How long do you want to soak in it?" Zhuo Qingyan looked at him.

"It will take at least four hours …" Ye Jingxuan said.

Zhuo Qingyan smiled and nodded her head: "Little Four understands, I can do it myself. After four hours, I will ask Martial Uncle to come and take a look …"

Chu Yi Chen understood her meaning and immediately called for Mo Yu and Ruo Xue to help her go to the bathroom.

Seeing Zhuo Qingyan walk lightly, Chu Yi Chen's heart sank. It was as if her heart was held tightly by a large hand, making her unable to breathe.

Ye Jingxuan was still excited, but when he saw the bathroom door close, he immediately patted Chu Xi Chen's hands: "This girl's vitality is so strong, and so mystical, and that's good enough, we can only look at the situation from what you said last night. I didn't think, I didn't think that this girl would be so strong …."

"She knows what she wants to do. There are some things that she can't allow herself to fall down before she's done …" When Chu Yi Chen said these words, his heart became firmer and firmer, and at the same time, it seemed as if there was something more in his heart.

Meanwhile, Zhuo Qingyan's mind was in a mess as she was soaking in the medicinal bath. Too much information was pouring into her, causing her to not know how to react. At the same time, she was worried about how much Chu Yi Chen would believe.

She didn't know what he was planning, but if she was in any way harmful to his plans, would he be able to decisively end her?

She had really heard everything they'd said at the foot of the bed last night, but she hadn't been able to wake up.

Although these fragments were very fragmented, it was not as if she could not connect at all, so what she had said to Chu Yi Chen just now was true.

Even if he could believe 30%, that would be enough. But if it wasn't … She already had a countermeasure, which was to disappear. Although her current strength wasn't high, it wasn't impossible for her to escape.

She raised her right wrist again and looked at the bracelet. The corners of her mouth curled up as she said, "The items here are enough for me to live for two lifetimes …"

After making up her mind, she suddenly felt that there was nothing left to do. She obediently lied down in the bath barrel and really soaked it up for four hours.

When she walked out of the bathroom, Ye Jingxuan was the only one left in the room.

After taking his pulse, he brought her another bowl of medicine to drink. Zhuo Qingyan did not hesitate to drink it all in one gulp.

You must know, this medicine is extremely bitter. In the past, when young miss drank this medicine, it was always like a fight, but when Second Young Master was around, things would be much smoother.

That night, she slept even better, although during that time, she felt that someone was standing before her bed, watching her.

The next morning, she was in high spirits.

After breakfast, Chu Yi Chen went to work in the study, and she went to the art studio in the courtyard.

Upon entering, she couldn't help but be shocked. The layout of this place was almost exactly the same as when she was in the Zhuo Mansion.

Taking advantage of the unforeseen moment, she squatted under the drawing table to take a look. Only when she did not see the mechanism did she feel at ease.

One had to know that before she left the Zhuo Mansion, she had personally destroyed the opportunity under the drawing table.

He sat at the table and looked at the diary, occasionally drawing topographic map s on paper.

Ye Jingxuan had come to see her a few times, so he was relieved to see that she was truly alright.

This pleasant day was broken in five days.

Zhuo Baiyuan personally brought Hauptverwaltungsgebaude, Zhuo Qingping, Zhuo Qinglin and Zhuo Qingfan to the Duke Palace.

However, Chu Yi Chen knew why they had come.

When he sent for Zhuo Qingyan, only Zhuo Qingfan was really happy. He held her hand and looked her up and down, asking her if she was used to it.

As for the others, they were all pretending to be smiling, while Zhuo Baiyuan kept on wanting to chat with Chu Yi Chen.

And Zhuo Qinglin was actually thinking of ways to go to see Zhuo Qingyan's residence.

From what she knew, this fool's place would definitely not be any good. It would be good if he didn't let her stay in the woodshed.

Although Chu Yi Chen had agreed to let her visit, when Zhuo Qing Yan brought Zhuo Qing Fan to the bedchamber Courtyard, he was by her side, and even lightly reminded her from time to time.

In the eyes of other people, they were just lovemaking, but only the two of them knew that Chu Yi Chen was afraid that they would do something to Zhuo Qingyan. If that happened, Ye Jingxuan's entire family would be poisoned to death and his plans would be messed up.

Of course, aside from Zhuo Qingfan, everyone in this family had to die, but not now.