There be a picture on the back

Chapter 35 - A picture on the back

Seeing him act this way, Zhuo Qingyan was not only not scared, she even patted his shoulder as if they were brothers and said proudly: "Don't worry, just wait for another half a month. When the time comes, I will help you get rid of him."

"You?" Chu Yi Chen was surprised.

"Right, for no other reason than that you still remember your comrade who bled together with you. This favor is sufficient. This old thief must have done something to cause the deaths of these three thousand brothers, right?" Zhuo Qingyan raised her eyebrows at him.

"That was a battle three years ago, where the convoy for supplies and fodder was sent by his disciples, and the head of the military department, Du Xuelang, was ordered by him to delay halfway, causing the soldiers guarding the Xuemen Pass to run out of bullets. Under these circumstances, after staying in the Xuemen Pass for three days and three nights, when I brought the reinforcements over, there were less than thirty people left."

Jiang Siyue also raised her head, her eyes filled with tears.

"This old fool used his life as a trade to stabilize his own position. If he doesn't avenge him, then he will really let down those brothers who died in battle!" Yan Li said loudly.

"I am sorry, but all these heroes are watching from the skies. Xuemen Pass, Guangping, good! "Yes." Zhuo Qingyan said with a determined look.

"Qingyan, this is This King …" Chu Yi Chen didn't want her to take the risk.

"Zhuo Qingyan, now you're someone from the Ling Mansion, unless Your Highness doesn't want me anymore, just kill me then so that there won't be any future troubles." She looked at him.

"Why do you say that?" Chu Yi Chen was somewhat angry, because she didn't understand.

"If the Xiao family knew that I was Zi Zhiqing's daughter, then, when they found out that she was dead and the painting could not be figured out, would they let me, this informant, live? He must be regretting that he did not act earlier and kidnapped me, and instead left me in the hands of the Ling Mansion. The matter of you knowing Zi Zhiqing, I don't believe that he doesn't know! " The corners of Zhuo Qingyan's mouth lifted coldly.

The three of them looked at each other. This was something they had never expected.

"So, as long as you let me leave the manor, my days in the future will only be spent on the run. Everyday, I will live the life of a pursuer, and it will not be a good life. A day earlier, a day later, I will lose my life, but if I die in your hands, it can be considered a safe death.

After Zhuo Qingyan finished her sentence, she gave a sad smile and lowered her head to drink the milk in her hand.

Chu Yi Chen looked at her with an incomparable pain in his heart, as if someone was stabbing at him with a knife.

Yan Li and Jiang Siyue also blinked their eyes and sighed.

Zhuo Qingyan indifferently said, "Since we have already been targeted, we have a common goal. Let's not let him disrupt our lives any further. We should plan our future lives besides him."

Chu Yi Chen nodded his head. "I have already decided. I will make my move on the seventeenth of this month."

"Seventeen?" Zhuo Qingyan raised her head.

"On the seventeenth of every month, Guangping Xiao Jingyu will go to the Aroma Gathering House in the city. That place may seem like a pavilion, but it is actually where his source of information is located. Jiang Siyue said.

"Sir Jiang, does your Wonderful Words Hall eat dry? How can he get the information he wants? " Zhuo Qingyan said without a trace of politeness.

Jiang Siyue rubbed her nose: "Little Princess, there is some information about this that I have intentionally gifted to him. I don't want him to know anything, if I want to catch his problems, I won't be able to do it …"

"Oh …" "You guys are fishing for turtles …" Zhuo Qingyan raised her eyebrows in understanding.

"Puff …" Right, this phrase is good. Are you trying to fish for a turtle or an old turtle? " Yan Li laughed.

"What day is it?" Zhuo Qingyan looked at them again.

"Today is the third day!" Yan Li said.

"Pretty much. If I can make it, even if these people can't, there's still me." Zhuo Qingyan smiled.

"Qingyan, This King really doesn't want you to take the risk …" Chu Yi Chen slightly frowned.

"Enough, this matter still needs a long time to be discussed. There's no rush. What's most urgent right now is that I'm hungry …" Zhuo Qingyan smiled at him.

When the three of them heard this, they felt that it made sense. It had been almost a day and she hadn't eaten and wasn't hungry. Not to mention her small physique, even the three of them were hungry.

After dinner, Yan Li and Jiang Siyue bid their farewell and left.

In the hot tub, Zhuo Qingyan was thinking about the painting she had seen in the study today. If it really was a picture used to transmit news, then what was the painting she had found in the secret compartment? What was the news there?

As she rested her head against the edge of the bucket, she blinked in thought. However, what she didn't know was that on her back, due to the hot water, red marks had appeared, making her look like a painting.

A landscape painting with mountains and water.

Mo Yu called out from outside: "Princess, are you ready? "I've been soaking in it for a long time …"

"Alright, let's go!" Zhuo Qingyan stood up from the bucket. Luckily Mo Yu had called her, otherwise, she would have fallen asleep.

Walking out in her dry clothes, Mo Yu pulled her to sit on a chair and held onto her hair.

There was also a black object on the table.

She picked it up and looked at it, then happily lifted it. She turned her head and tugged at her hair, causing it to hurt. "Hiss …"

"It can't stop even if I wring my hair. Does it hurt?" Chu Yi Chen's voice sounded from behind him.

She rubbed her head with her hands, then turned around and saw Chu Yu standing behind her, wearing a black robe and his hair draped over his head. He was holding a dry towel in his hand.

Could it be him? Could it be that the person who had wrung her hair was him?

"Stupid again?" Chu Yi Chen looked at her stunned look with a smile.

"Ah?" Oh... "I didn't expect …" She turned her head and carefully stuck out her tongue. She wouldn't be scared by that.

"What's that in your hand?" Chu Yi Chen continued to wipe her hair.

Zhuo Qingyan raised it up and looked, then laughed: "I was just about to ask Mo Yu, this girl is crazy. I said it this morning, but she'll come out at night. Awesome!"

"…" Chu Yi Chen didn't say anything, and didn't answer him either.

Just as he was about to turn around and reply, his head was suddenly pressed down. "Don't move around recklessly. It'll hurt if you pull any more."

"Oh …" This is the hood that Mo Yu will need to weave … " She held it up again.

"Headgear?" What is it for? " Chu Yi Chen asked.

"It was used for quests, but it is used to hide my face. No one will be able to recognize it!" She was still examining it.

"Oh, it's about the same as a bandana." Chu Yi Chen said.

Zhuo Qingyan suddenly turned around and pulled at her hair again. However, she only pinched her face: "I'm not as good as you think."

"What do you mean?" Chu Yi Chen looked at her in amusement.

She held the hood up to his face. "This one's on his head, only exposing two eyes, and the rest of it's covered. Why do you think it's the same mask? It's tied to his face, the difference is huge, how can it be the same!"