No need to thank me

Chapter 82 - Unwelcome

Hearing that, Zhuo Qingyan looked down to check her appearance. After blinking her eyes, she raised her head and looked at him: "Then next time, would it be much better if I put on my beard?"

"Puff …" Yan Li and Jiang Siyue laughed out at the same time.

Ruo Xue and Mo Yu weren't so lucky, they could only hold back their laughter and keep their heads down.

Chu Yi Chen laughed helplessly. "If you were to go out in female attire, no one would be disrespectful to you. Why are you doing this?"

"Of course not, how convenient is this outfit? When a woman goes out, she has to wear a bonnet and look at things through a veil, that's inaccurate. It's mainly because she doesn't want to cause trouble for the prince. If people know that the princess runs out every day, it's not good for you …" Zhuo Qingyan pouted slightly.