Test power

Chapter 91 - Test Its Strength

The corners of Zhuo Qingyan's mouth slightly curled. She picked up a tightly wrapped bag from the side and raised her head towards the three of them. "Let's go and let you see a new weapon. From now on, this is probably the one we will be using the most."

When the three of them heard that, their eyes immediately lit up, and they eagerly followed her into the forest.

Ye Chun brought them to the foot of a mountain. The mountain was a little steep, and there were more rocks than trees. It seemed to be very dangerous.

Zhuo Qingyan was very satisfied with this place, and she smiled at Ye Chun, "Thanks for the trouble. I can actually find such a place."

"The location of the base we chose is good. It's a ditch between four mountains, and our position is below the ditch. This can be considered as the bottom of the ditch." Ye Chun replied.