A naughty child cannot get used to it

Chapter 138 - The Bastard Children Can't Be Used to It

Chu Yi Chen had pulled Zhuo Qingyan along to eat breakfast with Lei Ting early in the morning, and had even said that he would bring the two of them to stroll around the County City.

Zhuo Qingyan, who had only drank a mouthful of porridge, lightly raised her eyebrows when she saw Ye Ying, who was standing at the door hesitating.

"Your Royal Highness, it's often because your plans haven't changed …" She smiled at him with schadenfreude.

Chu Yi Chen also saw the shadow swaying back and forth. She put down the chopsticks in her hand and said, "If you have something to say, come in. Otherwise, scram far away. You're so dizzy from shaking your head."

Hearing that, Ye Ying immediately entered and bowed: "Greetings to Your Highness, Royal Concubine, Clan Leader Lei."

"Speak!" Chu Yi Chen unhappily glared at him.