
Chapter 157 - Big-headed Fish (2)

While Chu Yi Chen was still in a daze, she turned her head around, picked up the big fish whose head had been bitten off, and held it in front of Zhuo Qing Yan's body. It could be seen that the fish was quite heavy.

However, this action of his was impossible to say if it was not strange. There was also the white bead that he spat out. Although it wasn't very big, it was still half the size of a fist and at this moment, it was still emitting a weak light.

Chu Yi Chen knew that this was an inner core, but ordinary living creatures would not have it. Only those who lived for an exceptionally long period of time, or those of divine beasts, would have it. From the size of the bead, the period of the Core Formation was not very long, and it was also white.

If that was the case, could a thousand-year-old fish really be eaten? No poison?