Elegant pavilion

Chapter 214 - The Accord

On the way back to the residence, Ye Ying and Ye Feng looked at each other a few times, trying to think of a way to make their captain happy, so that their eyes turned to think of a way out. Zhuo Qingyan pursed her lips and walked with her hands behind her back, looking very unhappy.

Zhuo Qingyan inadvertently turned her head and saw a shop that stood out from the rest by the road. It was elegantly decorated. The couplets decorated with wood on both sides of the door directly attracted her gaze.

When she saw the plaque, she raised her eyebrows and smiled.

Ye Feng was just thinking of a way but didn't notice her stopping. If it wasn't for Ye An quickly pulling on him, he would have directly bumped into her. The moment he saw her staring at a shop, he also looked over.