Cloud sky palace

Chapter 246 - Hall Cloud Sky Palace s

Chu Yi Chen saw her walk to the flat table at the back with the book and sat down to read it carefully. Her eyes were filled with love as she turned her head to look at the bookshelf again, walked back to the desk, sat down, picked up the brush, and started drawing on the xuan paper.

This was a book that recorded the records of the previous dynasty's Da Xia. However, it was not very complete, it was very comprehensive, and its words were a bit small.

When Jiang Siyue arrived, she saw that the two of them seemed to be doing their own thing quietly. She could not help but smile as she sat opposite Chu Yi Chen's table and poured him a cup of tea.

Chu Yi Chen put down the brush in his hands, snapped his fingers at the door, and handed the paper over to the guard: "Have the craftsmen make it as soon as possible."

"Yes." The guard turned and left.