Not a single one could get out

Chapter 253 - Unable to Get Out

She did not know when the sky turned dark, and she did not know how long she had been sitting there in that posture. It was only when Mo Yu came in and lit up all the lights in the room and brought out the food that she came back to her senses.

She let out a long sigh as she stood up, but her legs gave way and she kneeled on the ground. But before her knees could touch the ground, a large hand was holding her waist.

She forcefully pursed her lips. "I've been sitting here for too long, my feet are numb …"

"Qingyan, don't worry, I'm here …" Chu Yi Chen said with a pained heart.

Zhuo Qingyan shook her head: "I'm not worried. I just don't understand some things, sigh …" Whether it's fortune or misfortune, if it's unavoidable, what's coming, it's still coming. But I still don't understand, what are they trying to do, is it really just to restore our country? "