Up the mountain

Chapter 396 - Mountaineering VIPs

Chu Yi Chen and Zhuo Qing Yan looked at each other, and then heard her ask: "What do you mean? To be held or detained? "

Chu Yi Chen shook his head. "It's hard to say. Or perhaps, Qingfan has gotten himself into some sort of trouble?"

Zhuo Qingyan was puzzled: "If he's injured, how can we stir up trouble? What kind of trouble is this? "

Chu Yi Chen analyzed it and told her, "Think about it, Big Brother Ley and Clan Leader Liu also said, this Crimson Flame Gate is very mysterious. If you don't leave your home, and stay guard in this Chizhou's mountain gate, maybe like other sects, you will have your own forbidden land.

"Ah?" Is this even considered? "He doesn't want to fall down either …" Zhuo Qingyan clearly didn't understand, this was too far-fetched.