Why do you suffer

Chapter 519 - What are you doing

When she woke up again, Zhuo Qingyan found herself lying on the original bed. After turning around for a moment, she felt that nothing had happened.

Turning his head, he saw that Xiang Yun was still sleeping on the bed.

She felt a burning pain in her throat, as if smoke was coming out. She originally wanted to raise her hand to support her body, but when she moved, the pain from her naked body caused her to uncontrollably let out a soft "yea".

Xiang Yun was immediately awakened, when he saw her open her eyes, her face was twisted in pain, causing her face to pale again. She immediately turned around and ran as if she was looking at a ghost. High Lord … "The young lady woke up …"

Zhuo Qingyan frowned again. This time, it was not because of the pain, but because her ears had been shaken. At the same time, she did not understand what Xiang Yun's reaction was.