A portrait of kang yao happy mid-autumn festival

Chapter 523 - A Portrait of Kang Yao (Happy Mid-Autumn)

Zhuo Qingyan turned her head to look at him, but he was staring at the design on the door. There was no sadness or joy on his face, but there was also a hint of indifference.

"It's also called the Resurrection Lily, isn't it? "Flowers bloom but not leaves. Leaves fail to blossom. From beginning to end, they never see each other. Lovesick to the bones …" Zhuo Qingyu.

"Yeah, that's probably what he wanted to say." Gong Sun Qianzhou reached out and gently pushed open the stone door, allowing the two doors to open inwards.

Within the dark room, a soft "pu" sound could be heard and the room immediately lit up.

However, what surprised Zhuo Qingyan was not the large boxes and books in the room, but the pictures hanging everywhere in the room.