The treasure of qinhuai land

Chapter 582 - The Treasure of Qinhuai Land

Bu Chou Sheng was carried in by Ye Ying, Night Scene, Night Wind and Ye An. When he saw the spectacular scene, he was shocked.

Kang Yingjie was the same, although he knew about this scene, because he had been to Hou Guangsheng's secret room before, he did not understand how the 200 year old ancient corpse could be preserved so well.

Kang Yao held onto Gong Sun Qianzhou's hand tightly as they walked towards the crystal coffin. There, she stopped and pointed at the thing in the corpse's hand that was holding onto tightly: "Xiao'er, Mother has never forgotten about you. Never once did Mother not find you. Second, you might have thought that your royal father died in the war of this chaotic world … Because I've never heard from him before... "

Gong Sun Qianzhou walked forward and took out an awkward hairpin carved from Nanmu wood from the corpse's hands. His shoulders continuously shook.