You Don't Even dare to Measure It

Chapter 16 - How dare you

Lin Xiaoye quickly smiled. "Of course. If there's anything good to eat, I'll definitely be the first to think about milk."

Sun rolled her eyes at Lin Xiaoye and said coldly, "Even you wouldn't dare to do that."

With that, Sun turned around and wobbled out of the door.

Just as Lin Xiaoye was feeling relieved, she did not expect Huo Li to suddenly enter the courtyard with a wild rabbit in his hand. Coincidentally, Huo Li caught Sun's sharp eyes.

Sun glared at Lin Xiaoye in the blink of an eye.

"Money loss? What are you waiting for?"

Lin Xiaoye suddenly felt a headache coming on. Previously, she thought Huo Li was a god-like assistant, but now, he had become a pig-like teammate?

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoye hurriedly stepped forward, pulling Sun to the side with a face full of horror.

He then approached Sun with a serious expression and prepared to start talking nonsense.

"Milk, could it be that you have taken a fancy to that wild rabbit in Huo Li's hands?"

Seeing how shocked Lin Xiaoye was, Sun immediately frowned.

"What happened to the wild rabbit? Can't even eat it? Hurry up and bring me the wild rabbit, we still need to cook for those losers when we get home! "

Lin Xiaoye slapped her thigh, her face anxious: "Aiyo, milk, don't throw away your life, how can this wild rabbit eat? Do you know how I managed to survive after jumping over the river this time? "

Upon hearing this, Sun remembered what had happened. In the blink of an eye, she had taken a step back. She looked at Lin Xiaoye suspiciously, sizing her up.

[This money-losing guy really came back to life. Didn't they say he drowned in the river?]

But Sun was a shrewd person, how could she be tricked so easily by Lin Xiaoye?

In the blink of an eye, she rolled her eyes at Lin Xiaoye in disdain.

"Hmph, look at your moral character. If I were that Yama, I wouldn't take you in as a bastard."

Hearing that, Lin Xiaoye immediately jumped up and clapped. This time, it scared Sun out of her wits.

Lin Xiaoye said with a shocked face, "Aiyo, milk, you're really something. How did you know that after I died, I saw a King of Hell with a face but not a mouth?

With that, Lin Xiaoye immediately looked around before moving closer to Sun.

As for Huo Li, when he saw Lin Xiaoye flabbergasted by her sudden reaction, he immediately frowned.

What was Wife up to this time?

Lin Xiaoye quickly whispered in Sun's ear.

"Milk, you don't know, but the Underworld is full of demons and devils, and there are also the two guards beside King Yama, that Ox, Snake and Snake, and the Black and White Impermanence, the one that specifically captivates people, how scary is that?"

When Sun saw how Lin Xiaoye's words sounded, she was frightened to death. Sun's face turned pale. She suddenly felt a cold wind blow past her back, and she quickly stood to the side.

"You, you Bane Son, why are you telling me all this?" I don't believe those things. "

Seeing Sun stuttering in fear, Lin Xiaoye smiled.

You still don't believe it? pueraria from the village knew very well in his heart, he didn't just believe in these ghosts and gods.

You still want my rabbit meat? Even if he gave it to pueraria, she wouldn't have the fortune to receive it, right?

Lin Xiaoye shuddered when she thought of this. She jumped behind Sun and shouted loudly. Sun was so frightened by this scene that she immediately shouted and ran a few steps forward. She then stopped and patted her chest before turning around.

"Bane Son, what's your name? Do you really want to call those monsters over? "

Lin Xiaoye was stunned.

"Milk, where are the monsters and monsters? Didn't I just say it was a matter of hell and hell? How could there be one in the middle of the day? If there really was one, then he must be here to capture those people who did evil things all day and had their minds in disarray. Could it be that milk really has a guilty conscience? "

He naturally knew what he had done. Sun looked around immediately and felt quite flustered. She quickly took a few small steps back.

"Money loser, stop saying crazy things here. I think this house of yours is not clean."

With that, Sun looked around the room again. She felt that the room was filled with a dark aura and shuddered. Then she left as soon as she could.

Lin Xiaoye shouted from behind him, "Milk, you haven't taken the rabbit meat yet!"

Seeing Sun running away in such a desperate situation, Lin Xiaoye was truly overjoyed. In the blink of an eye, she clapped her hands and smiled happily. However, she didn't expect to suddenly feel a cold light coming from not too far away, causing her smile to freeze.

Huo Li was staring at her.

Lin Xiaoye smiled awkwardly and dusted herself off.

"This Old People is so superstitious at his age."


After Lin Xiaoye's scare, over the next two days, Sun was quiet for a while and didn't dare to come to her house again. But now, something troublesome had arrived.

Although Sun didn't come, but she had to take care of her cheap mother and sister.

Today, Lin Xiaoye woke up early and made some steamed buns. These steamed buns were big and were covered with white hair. Not only were they full, but they also tasted good. It was truly a good thing.

The most important thing was that it was very easy to hide!

After making the steamed buns, Lin Xiaoye took the basket and some steamed buns, then she carried the shovel and went up the mountain. Today, she didn't go with Huo Li.

When they arrived at the top of the mountain, Lin Xiaoye went to the place where Xiao Ya frequently used Cut Straw.

"Xiao Ya!" Lin Xiaoye stepped forward and shouted.

He was about to happily hand the steamed bun over to her, but he didn't expect to see Xiao Ya's red eyes and a huge palm mark on her face.

Lin Xiaoye felt a pang in her heart.

It was not because of anything else but because of lass. He was so young, yet he was beaten up by someone. No matter who it was, they would feel sorry for him.

Lin Xiaoye immediately frowned. "What's going on?"

Xiao Ya rolled her eyes at Lin Xiaoye and pouted, "What are you doing here? What's the use of telling you? "

After she finished speaking, Xiao Ya turned around and wiped the tears off her face, and continued with her Cut Straw.

Lin Xiaoye's palm tightened instantly.

provenance was truly heartless and heartless. His brain was full of sh * t. He actually helped that evil woman to deal with his family's sibling. It was hard to tell the difference between good and bad.

It seemed that it was normal for Xiao Ya to misunderstand him. However, she had already decided that she would treat Xiao Ya and her cheap mother well in the future.

"Xiao Ya, don't do it anymore. I brought some steamed buns for you. Tell me what's going on while you eat. Also, why hasn't Mother come today?"