Two stages for a corpse?

Chapter 26 - Corpse Two Lives?

Just as he was thinking this, he heard a man say from the side, "Doctor, quickly let me see. Recently, I've been feeling dizzy and dizzy. I can't sleep well at night and sometimes I even feel short of breath. Do you think I'm possessed by something unclean?"

Lin Lil 'Ye giggled.

The people here are really superstitious!

He heard the doctor on the other side say, "Has something happened in your family recently that makes you worry?"

Hearing that, the man immediately opened his eyes wide: "Aiya, Godly Doctor, how do you know? "A few days ago, my old mother passed away. When my mother was still alive, she doted on me and didn't need me to do anything. I don't need to worry about anything. Now that she's gone, I …"

As he spoke, the man began to cry in grief.

The doctor said, "So now that you have no one to take care of you, you drink wine all day long. The days and nights are reversed. You don't know if the food on the stove is good or bad, so you just put it in your mouth."

The man looked at the doctor in surprise, "You, how do you know? I don't even know if I can eat those things. I only know that I'm very hungry, but I don't know how to make anything."

The doctor smiled. "The heart disease is of secondary importance. You should learn to be self-reliant as soon as possible, so that your days will be better and your symptoms will be resolved."

With that, the doctor made a gesture of invitation.

The man was stunned. "Then doctor, do I not need to eat any medicine?"

The doctor shook his head.

However, the man didn't believe him. "Doctor, please prescribe some medicine for me. I have silver here. As long as it makes me feel better, you can open any kind of medicine you want."

The doctor made a gesture of invitation. "You don't need to take any medicine, please!"

Seeing that, Lin Lil 'Ye, who was standing on the side, was stunned.

What was going on? Was there such a thing? Since ancient times, didn't this infirmary only sell medicine to cure illnesses? Why didn't the doctor give this young man when he requested for medicine?

Although this doctor was right and this little brother didn't need to eat any medicine, but no matter what, prescribing some medicine to relieve the anger was still quite useful.

While thinking, Lin Lil 'Ye looked at the doctor in front of her in the blink of an eye, then looked at the other doctors, then looked at the layout and furnishings of the infirmary. She immediately understood.

What a Jishi Hall!

Who would have thought that there would be such a state of cleanliness in this era?

Just as he was deep in thought, a group of people walked in. The person in the lead was a middle-aged man wearing a sapphire blue lab coat. He had a face full of bliss. The huge jade ring on his finger was indeed eye-catching.

Lin Lil 'Ye couldn't help but pout her lips.

What a rich man!

"So it turns out to be Boss Cheng. Is it still the same as usual today?"

The person who spoke was an old man wearing a hat. He had a white beard and was wearing a black outer coat. However, the quality of his clothes seemed to be even better than those of the rich and powerful people.

That Boss Cheng laughed and said: "Uncle Meng, a few days ago after you helped me look after my body, I went back and slept soundly. Not only did I look better, even my restaurant's business was booming.

Restaurant? So this rich man was actually the boss of a restaurant.

The Uncle Meng laughed, "Boss Cheng, you flatter me. This is all part of our responsibility."

He only saw Boss Cheng smiling, "Come, come, come. This is just a small token of my appreciation."

After saying that, Boss Cheng signaled to them with his hands and a few waiters behind him came forward to carry the two red boxes up.

The Uncle Meng immediately cupped his hands, "Boss Cheng is too courteous. If you were like this, wouldn't it make everyone think that my Jishi Hall didn't need everyone's medical fees and only relied on you guys to make a living?"

Boss Cheng waved his hand: "This Jishi Hall is not in town for one or two days, so who isn't blessed by the Jishi Hall? Could it be that there is still someone who dares to gossip about Jishi Hall? "

As he said that, Boss Cheng took a look around the hall in the blink of an eye.

These people immediately nodded and said in unison, "I don't dare!"

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye jumped up in shock.

It seems that the Jishi Hall has a good reputation.

Just as he was patting his chest, unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, he saw Uncle Meng staring at the two big red boxes, and in a blink of an eye, he signaled the two servants behind him, and then he saw them carrying the two boxes in.

And Uncle Meng's face naturally revealed a satisfied smile.

Lin Lil 'Ye immediately understood.

It felt like what Uncle Meng said just now was the truth. This Jishi Hall probably relied on these things to survive right?

As she thought about it, Lin Lil 'Ye looked around again, and was suddenly shocked.

Amongst the boxes hanging on the wall, which were specially used to store medicinal ingredients, how many of them were open? Only then did she realize that the inside of the boxes were actually empty?

In that case, the reason why the doctor did not prescribe medicine for the man just now, was it because there were no medicinal ingredients in Jishi Hall?

Just as he was deep in thought, a cry for help came from outside the door. "Doctor, doctor, please help!"

Hearing the voice, everyone immediately looked over. They saw several people surrounding the door. A few men were carrying a wooden board. There was a woman lying on the board. She had a big belly and looked like she was about to give birth.

Uncle Meng immediately went forward and asked: "What's wrong?"

He heard the man say, "Doctor, quickly save my wife, who is in a difficult situation. She hasn't been born in two days, and the midwife said that if she doesn't, she might die!"

Upon hearing that, everyone in the surrounding area immediately cried out in alarm. This was truly a matter that could cost them their lives.

Just as everyone turned to look at the woman, Lin Xin turned to look at the Uncle Meng.

The Uncle Meng did not seem to be really concerned about the life and death of the woman, but continued to rub his fingers, his eyeballs continued to move, and in the next moment, he gave a look to the shop assistant behind him, who nodded, and immediately walked out of the crowd.

At this time, the man shouted, "Uncle Meng, quickly save my wife."

The Uncle Meng stepped forward and said: "Don't be anxious, let's carry him in first. I will definitely save your wife."

Saying that, they quickly carried the woman into the hall. Many people surrounded the woman, leaving Uncle Meng at the center, waiting to see how he would save the woman.

Uncle Meng looked left and right, then turned to the right of the woman, grabbed her hand and pinched the point of Ah Si who was in pain.

"Do as I say. Breathe in, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in …"

The woman did as she was told, following the rhythm of the Uncle Meng. After a while, she seemed to feel better.

The man immediately went up to the woman and asked, "Wife, are you feeling better now?"