There was actually a steamed bun here?

Chapter 41 - There was actually a steamed bun?!

Old Hu's smile became even happier, "Alright, alright, much better. Luckily, you went last time in time. Didn't you say later on that you were going to make some silver needles to treat my mother-in-law's illness? "I still feel sorry for my grandma, but when I saw that she was feeling better, I went to invite the village doctor over to take a look. He also thinks that your cooking skills are really godly!"

With that, the Old Hu family member pulled Lin Lil 'Ye back, thanking her profusely once again.

"After that, the doctor gave me a prescription and told me to go get some medicine for my mother-in-law. During this period of time, don't provoke my mother-in-law, so there shouldn't be any major problems."

Lin Lil 'Ye took the prescription and looked. Other than some calming medicinal ingredients, it was indeed a prescription based on the symptoms of a stroke.

"The doctor is right, we should just follow this recipe and take good care of her for a few days. Your mother-in-law is usually strong and healthy, so after taking care of her health for a while, nothing will happen to her."

"Yes, yes, the doctor said so too."

Old Hu then looked around, "Old Huo, did your family not come to town with you?"

Lin Lil 'Ye smiled, "I came early today. I have some things to take care of. Now that I'm done, I have to go back."

If you don't mind, let's go to medicinal herb shop together. We can go back together later. "

With that, Old Hu's family pulled Lin Lil 'Ye forward.

However, Lin Leyan was still worried. There would definitely be no problem going back with Old Hu's family. However, what should she do with her cloth?

Lin Lil 'Ye walked forward with a heavy heart, how could Old Hu not see through it?

He stepped forward and asked, "What is it? Is this a quarrel with your family again? "

Everyone in the village knew about the relationship between Lin Lil 'Ye and Huo Li.

Lin Lil 'Ye shook her head: "No, I didn't."

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye looked at Old Hu's family in the blink of an eye and carefully sized them up.

He wondered if Sister-in-Law Hu would help him if he told him about this.

Just as he thought about it, Old Hu's family member was also a perceptive person. He knew that Lin Lil 'Ye must have met with some trouble, but he found it hard to say it out.

Then he said, "Sister, if you trust me, then tell my sister-in-law that you've already helped our Hu family twice, saved my son and my mother-in-law, and I haven't read any books, but I still know about repaying favors. Last time, I told my family that we will be family from now on."

Old Hu's words were quite clear, and from the looks of it, he seemed to be speaking with sincerity.

Lin Lil 'Ye's hand tightened.

[Whatever, what else can I do?]

Thinking that, Lin Lil 'Ye pulled Old Hu's hand, "Of course I believe in sister-in-law. Then alright, I'll go back with you. However, I have a favor that I need your help with."

Hearing this, a smile blossomed on Old Hu's face and he quickly nodded his head in agreement.

From the looks of it, she thought that she was the one who asked Lin Lil 'Ye for help, but it looked like she agreed.

However, Lin Xiao did not bring Old Hu's family over to the Owner Zhang. After all, she still had to make medicinal soups from the Owner Zhang, so she was worried that the Owner Zhang would make a big move against her to let the Old Hu family see it.

This village was a place full of troubles, and the villagers were too long-tongued. Although Old Hu treated him quite well, but he couldn't immediately believe others. There were some things that he had to take care of himself.

After the Old Hu family bought the medicine, they went with Lin Lil 'Ye to get the cloth. Lin Lil' Ye also bought some food and some buns and pork before following the Old Hu family over to the town entrance.

Perhaps it was due to her good luck today, it was indeed very early. There were many people coming to the town, but not many were returning, so when the two of them sat on the oxcart, there were only two of them, as if they had wrapped up an oxcart.

This was perfect for Lin Lil 'Ye, the fewer people who know, the better.

Just now, when he saw her buy so many things, he had always wanted to ask, but actually, he felt that it was nothing when he saw Lin Lil 'Ye had bought fabric. After all, the weather was getting colder and colder, and it was almost the end of the year, so it was indeed time to take care of some things.

However, after seeing her buy buns, meat and a lot of them at once, she felt pained by the amount of silver that Lin Lil 'Ye had taken out.

At this moment, there were only the two of them in the car, she couldn't help but want to ask.

"About that, sis, you bought so many things in one go. You'll have to spend a lot of money, won't you?"

Lin Lil 'Ye smiled, "Isn't this the end of the year? A while ago, my family sold a lot of money for hunting, but yesterday, they gave it all to me. They wanted me to go and pick up some New Year stuff to bring back.

She knew in her heart that Old Hu would definitely ask about these things, and this was within her expectations.

Hearing that, Old Hu nodded her head and felt that she had confirmed what she had been thinking just now. It was only right for them to do some New Year stuff.

"Speaking of which, you're better at living now than before. I think I'll have to go back and discuss it with my family. I need to get some New Year stuff as soon as possible and leave it at home. Otherwise, I'm afraid the price of these things will rise later on."

Lin Lil 'Ye quickly nodded, and thought of the times when prices usually skyrocket during the Chinese New Year.

"That's right, that's right. You still have to hurry up and get the New Year stuff."

Soon, the ox-cart arrived at the village. After walking for a while, Lin Lil 'Ye thought that they would be safe and sound today. Seeing that they were about to arrive at Old Huo's house, she did not expect that something would happen to her.

"Lin Lil 'Ye?" Not far away, there was Lan Lan, and the one slowly walking over behind Lan was Luo Shi who was about to wash clothes by the river while holding a bowl.

When Luo Shi heard the sound, she immediately went up and saw Lin Lil 'Ye sitting on the ox-cart. She immediately craned her neck to take a look at the cart.

He only saw several pieces of cloth on the oxcart, as well as a lot of food. Wait a minute, what is that?

Steamed Bun! There was actually a steamed bun here?

Luo Shi's eyes immediately widened, and the basin in her hands fell to the ground, as she hurriedly went forward.

"Scoundrel, you, you actually have the money to buy so many good things? Hurry up and take it down so I can bring it back to you. "

With that, Luo Shi did not care about the oxcart being in a hurry anymore, and quickly grabbed onto the armrest of the oxcart, and aimed for the white steamed bun inside, and grabbed it for her.

Seeing this, Alan quickly followed.

Old Hu's gaze immediately met with Lin Ye's, and Old Hu's oxcart stopped. Lin Ye immediately jumped off the cart and rushed in front of Luo Shi to snatch the steamed bun.