Just Dig a Bit

Chapter 49 - Dig It Up

Lin Xiaoye then raised her glass and said, "I will toast my brother and sister-in-law first."

Lin Xiaoye raised her head and gulped down a cup of wine, her face contorted in anger.

This was the first time she drank this kind of white spirit. It was really spicy.

Seeing Lin Xiaoye like this, everyone burst out laughing.

Then, Sister-in-Law Hu said, "sibling is too polite. From now on, our two families are one and the same. Don't be polite if there's anything else. Just say hello."

Lin Xiaoye nodded. "Sure, that's a must. Don't just stand there. The food will be cold in a bit. Eat some of it first."

Gang Zi was the first to be unable to hold himself back and quickly put a piece of meat into his mouth. He instantly opened his eyes wide.

"How fragrant!"

He immediately took another sip.

Sister-in-Law Hu felt that something was wrong when she saw that her son only cared about eating meat.

"Gang Zi, eat less meat. Why don't you give two pieces to Xiao Ya?"

Gang Zi smacked his lips. He really ate until his mouth was full. Then, he looked towards Sister-in-Law Hu.

"Mom, quickly try it. This meat is really delicious. It's a hundred times better than what you've cooked."

After saying that, Gang Zi couldn't help but take another piece and quickly put it in his mouth. Then, he took advantage of the time while he was chewing to take another piece for Xiao Ya.

As for Xiao Ya, she looked at the meat in the bowl and continuously swallowed her saliva. In the blink of an eye, she looked at Gang Zi, who was eating so much that it seemed to be dripping with oil, and continued to stuff it into his mouth.

Xiao Ya had eaten Lin Xiaoye's cooking before, so she naturally knew that the taste was very delicious. However, she rarely had any meat, so when she ate this meat, she couldn't help but feel that Lin Xiaoye's cooking was really delicious.

Sister-in-Law Hu wasn't too happy about the turn of events. When she saw her own son speak to her in such a manner in front of so many people, her face immediately lit up.

"What's wrong?" You don't like the food your mother cooks, do you? "Fine, you don't need to eat the food I cook from now on."

Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter.

Lin Xiaoye looked at everyone's happy expressions, then looked at Huo Li and then at the little bun in front of her.

She had been in this world for quite a while now, and from the beginning, she didn't know anything and didn't know anything. She had been in this world for quite a while, and from the beginning, she didn't know anything and didn't know anything.

"Hey, sibling, why is there a plot of land beside you?"

While she was lost in her thoughts, Sister-in-Law Hu stood up and looked at the small patch of land on the side of the yard, which was covered with straw.

"Why are you covered in so much grass?" What is this for? " Old Hu also puzzledly asked and walked over in the end.

Lin Xiaoye smiled. "Isn't this the new year?" Old Huo and I don't have any fields, so we can't just go shopping in town, can we? I can see that the land in front of the door is still empty, so I let my family repair it a little.

After saying that, Lin Xiaoye smiled at Huo Li.

Huo Li's heart suddenly skipped a beat. He actually felt that her smile looked pretty.

Then, he heard Old Hu's house say: "I never thought that your family's Old Huo would be so capable. He's really capable, even able to do so much work."

With that said, Old Hu's house raised his hand and patted Old Hu's shoulder.

"Look at Old Huo, then look at you, you have to learn from Old Huo more, otherwise you won't be able to do anything all day."

Hearing this, Old Hu was displeased.

"What do you mean I can't do anything? Old Huo's family is indeed capable, alright, I'll just follow Old Huo from now on. "

With that, Old Hu walked in front of Huo Li, raised his hand and hit Huo Li on the shoulder.

Old Hu was shocked and quickly took his hand away.

Seeing this, Lin Xiaoye looked at Huo Li and couldn't help but to let out a "pu pu".

It was not wrong to say that he was an iceberg.

Unexpectedly, Huo Li was thrown a cold light at her. Lin Xiaoye was shocked and quickly buried her head into her food.

No matter what, although it was an iceberg, it was still a mountain. They could not play with fire since they were living under the same roof.

"sibling, this vegetable patch of yours is pretty good. It's still alright since it's winter right now. When it's summer time, it'll probably be difficult to manage your vegetable patch."

Old Hu's house said.

Lin Xiaoye snapped out of her daze and asked, "What did Sister-in-Law Hu say?"

In the end, she did not have anything that these people were familiar with.

Sister-in-Law Hu said, "How come you don't know? Don't you usually water your vegetable garden? "You can't go to that river a few times a day, can you?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoye was enlightened for a moment before she stood up.

"Sister-in-Law Hu, if you didn't tell me, I would've forgotten. This water is indeed troublesome, but I don't have a well here. What should I do?"

"Just dig a bit." Huo Li's voice sounded.

Lin Xiaoye was stunned. In the blink of an eye, she saw Huo Li stand up and walk to a spot not far away from the yard. She took a close look and said, "Here it is."

Old Hu immediately nodded his head, "I think digging a well is a good idea. Aren't these people too far away from the river? They're just digging a well down there."

Sister-in-Law Hu immediately smiled and said, "Alright then. Since you've decided to dig a well, let my family dig with you. When the time comes, let my family go to the village and call for some people to help. It will be more lively with more people working."

Hearing that, Lin Xiaoye's mood immediately improved, "I'll listen to Sister-in-Law Hu. We'll be troubling Big Brother Hu and Sister-in-Law Hu for this matter tomorrow. Come over to my place for dinner, I'll go catch some fish for everyone."

"Alright!" Old Hu quickly replied with a laugh.

Everyone was very happy to hear that they could still eat the food Lin Xiaoye cooked.

After they finished eating, Lin Xiaoye sent the Hu family off. She then gave the packed food to Xiao Ya for her to bring to Wang's disease. After that, she started to clean up the table.

As he was tidying up the dishes, the ball ran over and stood in front of Lin Xiaoye, looking at the plate and bowl in her hand.

Lin Xiaoye was stunned.

"Are you going to help mother?"

The round and bright eyes were staring at the bowl in her hands, seemingly filled with expectation.

Lin Xiaoye smiled, "Alright, then help mother take this plate to the Kitchen, don't throw it away."

When the ball took the plate, it immediately grinned and revealed its young teeth, which were like snow-white pearls.

Lin Xiaoye now felt more and more sorry for her son.

What a good kid. If it wasn't for provenance's damn stupid things before, this kid would probably be very lively and cute.