Fuck You!

Fuck you!

Sister-in-Law Hu nodded her head. "Speaking of which, it really is fate playing tricks on people. Thinking back to how she was in the past, how could anyone not like her, how she did so many bad things, and even changed her personality before her death. The heavens have truly opened their eyes."

Old Hu laughed as he packed his things: "It's also because she's lucky that she hasn't died yet, but her cooking skills are not bad. Anyways, we have to help her tomorrow, we can't come back to cook, why don't we bring some egg over tomorrow?"

Sister-in-Law Hu quickly agreed, "Of course. We can't just eat and drink People for free. After all, they have helped us a lot. I will bring more tomorrow."

Old Fart said, "Alright, then I'll go meet up with a few people at the village entrance first. Tomorrow, we'll go work together at Old Huo's place."

With that, Old Hu tidied himself up and headed towards the big locust tree in the village.

Normally, after these mud legs finished their work, they would squat here and chat non-stop. Only men like them would be here, and usually, women would not come over.

Furthermore, they liked to chat here. It was simply because they were tired from their daily work, and when they had nothing to do, they would chat about the matters of picking up women in the village.

Right now, there were many men talking and laughing under the locust tree.

Guodan'er's father saw Old Hu coming from the crowd and immediately shouted, "Yo, the sun really is rising from the west. How come you're also here?"

Hearing that, everyone looked over and saw Old Hu walking over.

There was one more person among them, and that was Lai Wengui. At this time, Lai Wengui revealed a lewd smile on his face: "You probably want to have a taste with that woman at home too, right?"

Hearing this, everyone burst out laughing.

Old Hu knew what kind of person Lai Wengui was, so he didn't bother with him anymore. He dragged Goudan'er's father to the side.

"I came here to talk to you about something, hurry over to Old Huo's place. He opened a garden in front of the door and wanted to dig a well. We're all from the same village, let's go and help out."

Guodan'er's father was stunned, "Old Huo? It's the expert of hunting in the village, Huo Li? "

Old Hu nodded, "Who else other than this Old Huo?"

Guodan'er's father immediately felt curious. "Yo, Old Hu, since when did you get closer to that hole in the ice?"

When Lai Wengui heard this, he interrupted again: "Could it be that you also took a fancy to Lin Xiaoye's ugly woman?"

Everyone immediately laughed.

Don't look at how Lai Wengui usually pretended to be a gentle and scholarly person. He only acted like this in front of Female. His thoughts were usually dirty when he was with these muddy legs.

Old Hu frowned and waved his hand: "Fuck you, People's family is living a good life, you can't say such nonsense. What's wrong, do you want to take over this job tomorrow? We'll have lunch at Old Huo's place."

Upon hearing about food, Goudan'er's father immediately said, "That Lin Xiaoye is very ugly and has a bad temper. Not to mention whether she's willing to cook for us, even if she knows how to cook, how can she eat?"

"That's right, the food won't be as ugly as her face, and the smell will be the same as the disgusting smell on her body, right?" Lai Wengui said again.

Old Hu waved his hands and said, "Lai Wengui, if you don't go, no one will force you to go. We're all from the same village, and People didn't provoke you. Why do you have to talk to him?"

"Oh, oh, oh. You said you didn't fancy ugly woman and now you're speaking up for People. Isn't that just helping dig a well?" "Go, go, go!

Lai Wengui laughed again after saying that.

He was worried, but he didn't know if it was a good or bad thing that he told Lai Wengui about today. If Lai Wengui really went over tomorrow and said something that hurt Old Huo's family, then wouldn't he have done a good deed?

Obviously, what Old Hu was worried about had to happen.

The next morning, Lin Xiaoye got up early and first made some steamed buns with her white flour. The main reason was that Old Fart would bring a few people with him to help dig a well yesterday, so she didn't know how many people there would be.

Furthermore, she had also made cornbread seed s and a little coarse grain cake. Everyone's taste was always different, so she was more or less willing to make some.

As for Huo Li, he went up the mountain early in the morning. Since Lin Xiaoye was at home today, he got up earlier than usual. Since it was still early in the morning and the village was still quiet, he went up the mountain.

Lin Xiaoye was done with her work. She looked outside and guessed that Huo Li should be back soon.

He placed the steamed bun into a steamer and washed his hands, then went to the entrance of the yard to take a look.

He really saw Huo Li walking towards them step by step. He also saw that Huo Li was carrying a lot of things.

Lin Xiaoye hurried over to welcome him.

"How did you get so much game?"

If he looked carefully, besides the hare, there was also a wild boar, as well as a few other birds. What was that thing hanging on his waist?

"Ah!" A snake is a snake!

Lin Xiaoye jumped up in fright and shouted a few times.

Huo Li untied the snake from his waist and intentionally shook it in front of Lin Xiaoye. Seeing Lin Xiaoye's face turn green from fright, he felt that it was funny and even laughed out loud.

Lin Xiaoye was furious. She raised her hand and slapped Huo Li's arm.

"You still have the nerve to laugh? This thing is so scary. You're going to scare a group of bastards later. See how I'll take care of you."

With that said, Lin Xiaoye carried the wild rabbit that was just thrown onto the ground and headed towards Kitchen.

What he didn't know was that what he said just now touched Huo Li's heart.

Didn't she just say that she was worried about scaring the group? Had she finally decided to treat the group nicely?

Thinking about this, Huo Li couldn't help but smile. He seemed to feel that it would be pretty good if he could just live his life like this in the future.

Huo Li was about to walk into the house when a voice came from outside.

"Old Huo, we're here."

In the blink of an eye, Old Hu and Sister-in-Law Hu, as well as two or three other people, came over.

Huo Li nodded. "Thank you."

Old Hu became even more enthusiastic after hearing Huo Li's rare words.

"What's there to work for? We're all from the same village. As long as we can help, we'll naturally do our best. I've already brought the things that we need, we can probably start working now."