dominating Huo Li

Chapter 54 - Occupying Huo Li

"Look, look. You really know how to talk. Let me see if your old Huo is completely subdued by your mouth now, right?" With that, the Sister-in-Law Hu rammed her shoulder against Lin Lil 'Ye.

That's not enough, Sister-in-Law Hu whispered as she looked at the ball of rice that was playing with Gangzi.

"I say, little girl, look at this little brat of yours. He is indeed a bit eccentric, and you don't want to think of anything?" "How can his character be compared to a girl's in the future?"

Since ancient times, no family didn't like smart, sensible, and enlightened men.

She did not know what to say. Although Gangzi was standing at the side and had been talking to him the entire time, he could not speak. Not long after, Gangzi did not know what to say either.

The group was still playing by themselves, so her personality was a bit eccentric.

If not for the fact that he couldn't speak, he might be a lively and adorable child now.

Thinking about that, Lin Lil 'Ye let out a sigh: "Speaking of which, it's my fault. It's my fault for what I did that time, causing the child to die."

Hearing that, Sister-in-Law Hu hurriedly said: "Those are all matters of the past, don't take it to heart. Right now, the most important thing is to think of a way to improve this child's character, right?"

Lin Ye agreed with what the Sister-in-Law Hu said.

"Why haven't I thought about what sister-in-law says?" "It's not like Old Huo and I have been taking him for a walk every time we go out. If he went out and saw a lot of people, he would probably feel better."

In any case, this was what Lin Lil 'Ye felt, but she did not know that this was not what Sister-in-Law Hu wanted to say.

The Sister-in-Law Hu leaned in closer and whispered, "You have a plan, but in my opinion, if you were to be with Old Huo and give me a younger brother or sister, the effects would be different."

Hearing that, Lin Ye immediately felt her face heat up, and she quickly said, "Sister-in-law, don't talk nonsense, I've never thought about this before."

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye quickly lowered her head to take care of the things in her hands.

Sister-in-Law Hu did not forgive him, "What nonsense are you spouting now, aren't you the one who should be saying this now, you are still young, hurry up and give birth to another, and look, your family's Old Huo is strong, everyone already sees it, your family's group is already so big, you all these years didn't want another one, wouldn't your Old Huo suffocate to death?"

Sister-in-Law Hu sighed, then said: "Sister-in-law will not treat you as an outsider, I have to remind you, if you hold it in for too long, something will happen to this man. Furthermore, you should know, many young widows in the village are thinking about your family's Old Huo, you must consider it carefully."

Hearing that, Lin Ye suddenly felt her heart tighten, as if something was stuck in her chest.

In the blink of an eye, she looked at Huo Li, who was working hard at the side. As she saw his strong body and the muscles on his arms move from time to time, she did not know why, but her throat suddenly felt a little dry.

That's right. Even though she had seen a lot of handsome men before, she still felt that Huo Li was very handsome and had a strong body. She knew that he must be very strong in that area.

Thinking about it, what the Sister-in-Law Hu said was right, no man could really endure it. It had been so many days since Huo Li touched her, she had almost forgotten that she was Huo Li's wife.

Maybe one day, Huo Li would be unable to hold it in. If he really wanted it at night, what should he do? To give or not to give?

However, if they didn't give it to a man, it would be unavoidable for him to be taken in by other women if he held it in for a long time. Perhaps there really were some widows in the village who took a fancy to it? Would he really be willing to give up Huo Li at that time?

Thinking of that moment, Lin Ye suddenly felt her heart tighten.

Only now did she realize that if she had been able to teleport here, she would have been able to do it. But now …

No! She wouldn't let another woman take Huo Li.

But was she really going to do that with Huo Li now?

Lin Lil 'Ye had been worrying about this all day, and did not know what to do. However, she did not know that the thing she was worried about would soon come.

When it was noon, Lin Lei and Sister-in-Law Hu finished cooking, and Sister-in-Law Hu sent Gangzi to call them up.

"You can smell the fragrance of the dishes from below. They're from Old Huo's family. Your cooking skills are getting better and better." Old Hu immediately said.

It was also the first time that Goudan'er's father, who was behind him, smelled such a fragrant scent. He immediately stretched his neck over to take a look, but he was still swallowing his saliva.

Huo Li was used to eating food cooked by Lin Lil 'Ye, but he couldn't help but take a glance at the table at this moment.

Lai Wengui, on the other hand, had long since reached the table and was standing in front of the dishes to take a deep breath.

"Fragrant!" "It's too fragrant!"

She didn't expect that this ugly woman's cooking would be so fragrant. If she knew earlier, she would have done the cooking before sending the food over.

As he thought, Lai Wengui looked towards the kitchen and saw Lin Lil 'Ye's busy figure, which was even more methodical in her work. More importantly, as he looked at Lin Lil' Ye's back, he actually felt a little absent-minded.

But in her mind's eye she saw her ugly face, and her whole body shook, and in a moment she was looking at the food on the table.

Lin Leyan carried the last piece of fish soup over and said, "Don't just stand there, sit down and eat. You've all worked hard today."

Then, he took out the wine in the room and poured it for these people.

At this moment, Lai Wengui stared at Lin Lil 'Ye and asked, "Lil' Ye, why don't you drink with us folks?"

"Lai Wengui, Old Huo's is a woman. What are you drinking?" Old Fart said.

Lai Wengui laughed, "What do you know? "Did you ever come to my place for a drink or two before, Lil 'Ye?"

When they heard this, everyone felt embarrassed. They looked at Huo Li, who was silently sitting on the side. They thought he would be furious by now and might even stand up to beat Wen Gui up.

Unexpectedly, Huo Li was sitting calmly at the table. He picked up a piece of meat with his chopsticks and put it into the bowl.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this.

At this time, Sister-in-Law Hu gave Old Hu a look. Old Hu glanced at her and immediately understood.

"Old Huo's temperament really changed. How many people in our village can compare to Old Huo's? Look at his cooking skills. He's much better than my wife."