Fishing net?

Chapter 57 - Fishing net?

Seeing that Huo Li did not make a sound, Lin Lil 'Ye could guess what he was thinking.

"Don't worry, I've thought of a good method. We don't need to go down into the river to fish."

Huo Li's brows twitched. "What?"

Lin Lil 'Ye smiled: "I just thought of a great idea. Do you know how to make fishing nets?"

Huo Li frowned as he thought about it.

Fishing net? How does this thing work? He didn't seem to have seen it.

Seeing Huo Li not reply for a long time, Lin Lil 'Ye knew that Huo Li definitely hadn't seen him before.

"How about this, I'll draw out the rough outline. You help me make it. When the time comes, we just need to bury the fishing net in the river a little later and then go and collect it in the morning."

Hearing that, Huo Li immediately looked at Lin Lil 'Ye. Although he had never heard of any fishing nets before, from what he said, it shouldn't be a lie. If it really had such an effect, it wouldn't be a big deal to be a fishing net.

"Yes." Huo Li replied softly.

However, Lin Lil 'Ye did not intend to make a fishing net in front of Old Hu and the others. If she really did make a fishing net, then she would at least be considered as one person.

It wasn't that she was stingy and didn't want to treat Old Hu and the others as her friends, but it was just that her life was difficult now.

At this time, at the Lin Family household, Lin Xiaoshan saw Lady Wang and Xiao Ya still haven't come out to eat for a long time, so he quickly got up and headed inside the house.

Just as he opened the door, he saw Lady Wang and Xiao Ya standing at the door.

"What are you doing? You don't want to eat anymore? " Lin Xiaoshan said impatiently.

Xiao Ya raised her eyes and looked at Lady Wang. Lady Wang hurried forward and said, "How can we not eat? Wasn't I tired from all the work? I didn't eat in the morning, so I almost passed out from hunger."

Hearing that, Lin Xiaoshan looked at the skinny little brat in the blink of an eye. His own daughter, it was impossible for her to not feel sorry for him, but at a time like this, what could he do?

He could only sigh, "You don't know how to be hungry, so you should hurry up and eat. Now that everyone has finished eating, you can only be hungry for the whole day. Why don't you hurry up and say good things to me? Maybe I can even give you a mouthful of food."

Just as Lin Xiaoshan was about to turn around and leave after saying that, he suddenly glanced at Wang Shi and squinted his eyes.

"Mother of the child, what's wrong with you today?"

After saying that, Lin Xiaoshan suddenly thought about the matter of Wang Clan's Hidden Steamed Bun, and his heart suddenly quivered, he quickly squeezed through them, and looked around. However, he did not see anything, and when he smelt the scent of the house, he immediately smelt a meaty aroma.

Lin Xiaoshan's palm tightened as he turned around and grabbed Lady Wang's arm.

"Sure, did you hide food from me again?"

Lady Wang quickly said, "Boss, what are you talking about? Where can I hide my food? Also, based on our current situation, who would be so kind as to send me a stutter? If you don't believe me, go find it yourself. Don't ask me. "

With that said, Lady Wang took the little girl into her arms.

Hearing these words, the little girl was a little surprised.

She didn't think that her mother would actually say such things after learning to be obedient. However, this was good as well since she wanted to avoid her mother from telling her father about this matter.

Xiao Ya couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva when she thought of the delicious food that Lin Lil 'Ye had cooked.

After Lin Xiaoshan heard what Lady Wang said, he looked around the house, and indeed didn't see any good stuff.

Could it be that he really wanted to eat meat so much that he even smelled it?

Thinking about it, Lin Lil 'Ye frowned, she also felt bad about it.

"Alright, alright. You just need to remember, if there's anything good to eat in the future, you must first respect your mother, don't hide it for yourselves. Today, don't expect us to eat. Hurry and get to work."

With that, Lin Xiaoshan looked at Wang Shi and sighed as he walked out.

Xiao Ya raised her eyes to look at Lady Wang. "Mother, Big Sis also said that she wanted us to endure for a while longer. She will think of a way to bring us to stay at her place."

Lady Wang nodded. Seeing Xiao Ya's tiny appearance, her eyes couldn't help but fill up with tears.

"Little Ya, your sister is very filial, and your mother is very happy. You two girls are no worse than those boys from the village."

Even if she did not have a male child, so what? Seeing that the two of them were so obedient and capable, Lin Lil 'Ye's days were getting better and better, not any worse than those male children in the village. She was just happy.

Xiao Ya grinned, but her hands unconsciously tightened.

She really hoped that she could leave the Lin Family Courtyard, she really didn't want to see the face of the Sun and Luo Shi even for a day. But she is still so young, and her mother's body is in such a bad condition, how can it be so easy for Big Sis to bring them away?

A few people were enjoying their dinner heartily. When they were about to leave, Er Daner's father even said that he would ask his wife to come over to learn how to cook from Lin Ye when the time comes.

Overall, although Lin Lil 'Ye had spent quite a bit of effort today, she had made a few friends. In this village, these people were loyal to their friends, so she would not be so sad later on in the village.

However, before he left, Sister-in-Law Hu even specially pulled Lin Lil 'Ye aside and whispered a few words.

"I say, sis, you have to think carefully about the matter that I told you today. Now that everyone has changed their view of you, logically speaking, you should live a better life with your family's Old Huo. Don't let your family's Old Huo hook up with other people again."

Lin Lil 'Ye had almost put this matter down, but she was once again reminded of it by the Sister-in-Law Hu.

"Alright, sister-in-law, I know what to do."

With that, she sent the Sister-in-Law Hu and the others out.

When she returned, the sky was already dark. When Lin Lil 'Ye arrived in the courtyard and saw some light, she saw Huo Li cleaning up the hoes by the well. Immediately, her muscular back looked even more robust and strong.

Lin Lil 'Ye suddenly clenched her hand.

Was she really going to do that? But she wasn't ready yet and Huo Li definitely didn't like her.

"They all left?" Huo Li said.

She had never felt that Huo Li's eyes were so attractive, had never felt that his eyes were so beautiful or so deep. However, at this moment, she felt like she had fallen into a bottomless abyss, unable to see the bottom, unable to climb out.

"About that, I, I have something to tell you."

In the end, Lin Lil 'Ye mustered up her courage. She had to clarify this kind of thing as soon as possible. It was best to resolve it as soon as possible. Otherwise, how would she be able to face Huo Li in the future?