Waves of Heart of Spring

Chapter 73 - Waves of Spring Heart

It was just that, a knot rose up in Lin Lil 'Ye's heart, when she thought about Zhang Yusheng's depressed back just now, it seemed that this matter would definitely not be so simple.

It was getting late, so Zhang Yusheng settled the accounts for Lin Lil 'Ye.

"The business these few days is not bad. There are a total of five hundred copper coins here. Count your share."

Lin Lil 'Ye weighed it in her hand: "No need, our cooperation hasn't ended anyways. If you dare to lose me a copper coin, it won't do you any good."

Seeing Lin Ye being so straightforward, Zhang Yusheng's heart rippled again.

"Alright, then are you coming back tomorrow?"

"I don't know. If I had the time, I would have come over. Oh right, if anything happens in the future, send someone to the village to find me. Don't carry me until I'm dead." Lin Lil 'Ye said.