He had no face to live!

I have no face to live!

But at this moment, Lan stepped out and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, please give Lan your judgment. Lan just happened to see Dr. Sun walk over here by chance and thought that two days ago, my aunt was screaming that she was feeling unwell and wanted to ask him for advice. I didn't expect that before I could even say a few words, she would come over and beat me and even scold me."

After saying that, Alan started to wail and cry in grievance.

Alan had always been good-looking, but didn't that just make these men cry in their hearts?

One of the men said, "She's from the Dr. Sun. You can't say that randomly. After all, Lan is a virgin. If you say that, how is she going to get married in the future?"

"That's right, Dr. Sun isn't that kind of person, I think you must have misunderstood him, so stop talking."