The group finally opened their mouths!

Chapter 115 - Team One opened their mouths!

All of a sudden, the group jumped up happily. This was the first time Lin Lil 'Ye saw her so happy. It seemed like he had been looking forward to going out to play at this time.

Thinking about that, Lin Lil 'Ye looked at Lady Wang and saw that although there was a hint of worry on her face, there was still a smile on her face.

She knew that with regards to the original owner's matter, née Wang still needed some time to digest it.

It had been a long time since Lil 'Ya had been this happy, so Lin Lil' Ye called Lil 'Ya over as well.

As for the Wang Clan, she was worried that the Sun would find out that she and Little Yard had gone missing, so she went back.

This group of people had majestically forgotten about the town.

As soon as they arrived at the town, the sky gradually darkened, and a few people split up and left. If there were too many people, it would be easy to lose them.