Opportunity found

Chapter 178 - Discovery of Opportunity

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye took two steps forward, and Huo Li naturally followed suit. He definitely had to protect her at all times.

Lin Liao said: "Big Brother Hu, is it that in your eyes, if the cow didn't die, you still have a living cow, so you would be willing to believe in me?"

Hearing that, Old Hu immediately looked at Lin Lil 'Ye. Although he still had some anger in his heart, he suddenly remembered that Lin Ye was skilled in medicine, so he suppressed it.

"What do you mean?"

Did she really have a way to save his cow?

Perhaps Lao Hu himself did not notice at this moment. Deep down in his bones, he actually believed in Lin Lil 'Ye. It was just that he found it really hard to accept that his cow had died.

As for Lin Lil 'Ye, when she heard Old Fart's words, she had already guessed half of his thoughts, causing her to heave a sigh of relief.