Something big had happened!

Chapter 193 - Something big happened!

Seeing that, Luo Shi's eyes immediately opened wide, her hand quickly covering her mouth.

"This, this is..." One tael of silver? Is it really one tael of silver? "

Lin Dashan smiled and nodded: "Isn't it just one or two? Wife, when we have money in the future, say, what do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you right now! "

At this moment, Alan who was standing outside the door heard all of this and was shocked.

Silver? It was even one tael. How could this person, who Lin Dashan was used to gambling with, have one tael of silver?

She definitely wouldn't believe that Lin Dashan bet a copper coin that there was something fishy.

Suddenly, he thought about how his group of people ran over to Lin Lil 'Ye's place yesterday. In the end, they didn't even talk for a bit before they were brought back here by Lin Dashan.

Could it be that bitch?