The word of a mass

Chapter 253 - Masses of words

She only just found out that the three words written by the group were "Mother Lin." She only just realized it now.

Seeing that Lin Lil 'Ye was smiling so happily, although Zhou Zi didn't know what her mother was laughing about, but seeing her own mother's happiness, Zhou Zi also subconsciously smiled as well.

Following that, Lin Lil 'Ye looked at the words at the side: "That group of people, are those three words' Papa Huo '?"

Yuan Zi shook his head and pouted his lips, as if he was unhappy.

Lin Lil 'Ye took a closer look, the first word did not seem like Huo Li's "Huo".

"Zhou Zi, can you tell mother what these three words are?"

Lil 'Ye pulled Lin Ye's hand, "Mother, I haven't learned to write my father's name yet. Furthermore, there's no two words here, only two words."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the two words on the ground, "Daddy."