No brain!

I don't have a brain!

Sun was so angry that his chest was heaving up and down. He pointed at Lin Lil 'Ye and said while grinding his teeth: "Okay, okay you Lin Lil' Ye, now that your wings have hardened, right? Just you wait, just you wait! "

With that, Sun turned and angrily left, while Luo Shi looked at the kitchen in the blink of an eye, unwilling to part with her. However, since Sun was gone, there was no point for her to stay any longer, she also followed.

Lin Lil 'Ye looked at the two disappearing figures and made a' tsk 'sound. Then, she muttered: "It's just talking. It's so boring."

She had thought that the fight between Sun and Luo Shi was very fierce, but it seemed like it was only a feint, a paper tiger.

This time, she was not as angry as she thought. Sun was really furious this time, after all, this was related to Lin Xiaoshan's name.