Get out of the village!

Get out of the village!

"Exactly! Get out of my village! It would be a great loss of face for our village to have such a talent like you! "


For a moment, everyone started to tell Alan to get out, and Alan realized that he had been too impulsive.

This was a critical moment, and she could not leave the village.

As he thought about it, Alan glanced at these people. He did not have the time to scold Lin Lil 'Ye anymore, and quickly ran away.

When the village chief saw that Alan had run away, he dismissed the men in an instant.

After all these people left, the village head walked in front of Lin Lil 'Ye.

Lin Lil 'Ye quickly said, "Village head, I've troubled you again today."

The Village Chief waved his hand. "That's nothing. As the Village Head, aren't I here to help the villagers deal with these troublesome matters?"