Good officer?

Chapter 319 - A good officer?

Old Hu could not move at all from home. When he heard the commotion, he immediately ordered Gangzi to take a look. He had just squeezed out of the crowd and saw a few officials enter Lin Lil 'Ye's courtyard, so he immediately ran over.

"What are you doing here?"

Hearing the voice, Lady Wang, Lin Xiaoshan and Xiao Ya also came out. Seeing a few officials, a few of them immediately became nervous.

The official glanced at Gangzi. "What are you doing?" Lin Lil 'Ye almost caused Yang Shi's death, we're here to look for evidence. "

Lady Wang was immediately shocked: "Aiya, Lord Guan, you can't say such nonsense. My Lil 'Ye has never been one to save or harm others. Is there a misunderstanding here?"

The official said, "Misunderstanding? This sort of thing is the business of adults, we are only responsible for finding evidence. Brothers, don't waste time, search for it! "