Entering a rich and powerful person on the road

Chapter 427 - Meeting a Noble on the Road

Just as he was thinking, Jiang Lin glanced at the woman, and then cupped his hands: "This sister, we are also new here, and do not understand the rules, and have used up most of the money, this is our only chance to live, I wonder if sister has any ideas, can you give us directions?"

The woman then said, "There's nothing that we don't understand. Although we can't set up stalls here, but there's a place specially set up for merchants like you. Many people usually go there to buy things, and the prices there are generally cheaper than in the shops on the street. You can go there and try."

Hearing that, a few of them immediately lit up with hope, and Sister-in-Law Hu immediately replied: Then what are we waiting for? Let's hurry up and go, it's already noon. With how good our smell is, maybe we'll be done selling off soon. We'll still have time for lunch later. "