four concubines

Chapter 444 - Wife and four concubines

"Let's go, there's nothing to see here. I'm a bit tired." With that, Lin Lil 'Ye stood up and left.

Seeing this, everyone immediately stood up and followed.

Seeing that everyone had left, the group looked at the pastries on the table, which were mostly still, and the remaining melon seeds. Looking down at the small bag in front of them, which he could not even hold his fist in, there was no way he could keep so many things inside.

He raised his eyes and looked at Sister-in-Law Hu, immediately stopping sher, "Auntie Hu, this is for you to take away." As he spoke, he pointed at the items on the table.

Sister-in-Law Hu was stunned, then immediately laughed out happily: "You're the smart one, and see how they all left so quickly, leaving all the food behind, when the time comes we'll secretly eat it, not giving it to them."