Heavy Reward!

Chapter 500 - Reward!

Hearing that, Cui Er's heart jumped, and immediately jumped up from the stool. She thought it was some kind of eunuch that didn't care about his life, but it was King Zhao she saw in the blink of an eye.

The rouge quickly bowed. Cui Er recovered her wits and prepared to bow as well. "Cui Er greets the Prince."

King Zhao went forward to help Cui Er up, "Princess, please get up. Princess is both Emperor's Princess and the entire Big Beam's Princess. There is no need for you to be so courteous."

Cui Er smiled shyly. She had seen this King Zhao before and had heard the rouge talk to her before. He could be considered a very influential person in the royal family.

While thinking, King Zhao brought a brocade box to Cui Er. Cui Er looked at it and asked, "For me?"

King Zhao had a smile on his face: "Of course."