Should I give chase?

Do you want to chase them?

"You …" Zhang Yusheng fiercely glared at Cui Er, but he knew in his heart that Cui Er was speaking the truth, what choice did he have?

After exiting the palace, Zhang Yusheng walked back in a dispirited manner, holding onto a bag of bewildering pills. By the time Zhang Yusheng returned to the restaurant, the sky had already darkened.

Just as he stepped into the restaurant, Zhang Yusheng saw a beautiful figure standing in front of him. It was Lin Ye, although she had already given birth to a child, her body did not seem to be affected at all, and looking at her now, she looked even more charming than before, with an additional temperament that a mature woman should have.

"Yusheng, why are you standing here?" Chen Jingyan stepped forward and asked.

Hearing that, Lin Xiao put down the herbs in her hands and looked over in a blink of an eye. Immediately, she met with Zhang Yusheng.