Well a faithful girl

Chapter 529 - What a loyal girl

Hearing the voice, Mo Yu started panicking. He thought that this was a big matter for his young miss and he couldn't let others know. If this news were to spread to the King Zhao, it would cost his young miss her life.

Thinking of this, Mo Yu tightened his grip and immediately took out the dagger he had been hiding in his sleeve. He then carefully walked towards the corner of the wall.

Every time she went out of the door, her mistress would tell her to carry the dagger with her so that if anyone found out, she would immediately kill them. She hadn't made a mistake for so many years, but she didn't expect to actually use it today.

Mo Yu's hand that was holding the dagger was trembling, but her steps were firm. For the sake of her family's young miss, she would rather risk her life than harm her young miss.